At the moment, only Chen Xingtian, the master of the Western realm, is left on the mountain.

Chen Xingtian's face was a little frightened. He even wanted to break his head, but he didn't think that Ye Li was so scared.

"Ye Li, you are really terrible!" Chen Xingtian stares at Ye Li and says.

Leaves from a faint smile, face crown such as jade face does not have the slightest fluctuation, he calmly looks at Chen Xingtian.

"Then how do you die?"

Chen Xingtian's face changed after hearing the speech, and his face became extremely cold.

"Ye Li, you don't think you can beat me, do you?" Chen Xingtian said to Ye Li lenglengleng.

"Otherwise?" Ye Li looks at Chen Xingtian with a face of ignorance.

Ha ha ha!!!

Chen Xingtian, the master of the western frontier, suddenly burst into laughter, as if he had heard the funniest joke of all time.

"Ye Li, Ye Li, do you know what I am?" Chen Xingtian's face also passed a touch of playfulness, "I'm a king level realm of nine terraces!"

In Chen Xingtian's opinion, Ye Li will be scared to death after knowing his realm.

However, what he would never think of was that after he said his own realm, Ye Li's face still did not fluctuate, as if he had not heard his words at all.

"Ye Li, the demon king, do you hear me clearly? I am the king level realm of the nine terraces!" Chen Xingtian said in a cold voice to Ye Li.

Ye Li, with a smile, said slowly, "the nine terraces are king level, but so."


Chen Xing was stunned. He didn't dare to believe that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Ye Li, then I'll see if you have any ability to say that the level of the nine terraces is no more than this!"

Voice down, Chen Xingtian a punch out.

With the power of a fist condensed into a tiger down the mountain, toward Ye Li Fei attacked.

It's a pity that Ye Li is now the first level heaven King level realm, and Chen Xingtian of the nine terraces King level realm is pitifully weak in his eyes.

"Doomsday sword formula!"

Ye Li, of course, didn't want to have too much to do with Chen Xingtian. He directly held up the Taigu Longyuan sword and cut out the SSS divine level sword formula!

The fierce tiger who came to Ye Li was melted into nothingness by the sword.

Chen Xingtian, the master of the western frontier, opened his eyes and watched such a sword come to him. What's more, he found that he could not avoid it.

"My life is dead!"

At the last moment of her life, Chen Xingtian called out these four words, and then her life disappeared from the world forever.

Ye Li sighed to himself, thinking that mole ants always have no self-knowledge, but where there is such a little self-knowledge, they will not die.

Later, he put the Taigu Longyuan sword into the system space. He felt the position of the last legion, and found that all the major forces in the western territory fled.

After returning to the Shenjian sect, Ye Li found that all the four sword masters were overjoyed, as if they had met the happiest thing since their birth.

"Lord, Xijing is defeated." The first sword, Feng Changqing, said to Ye Li.

"I see." Ye Li nodded and said.

The wind Changqing hears the speech but sighs, "Alas, I don't know where the west boundary master is."

Leaf from a smile, "he has been killed by my sword."

With that, Ye Li walked slowly towards the hall.


By a sword Killed?

The four sword masters all swallowed their saliva and looked at each other.

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