Ye Li stayed in Shenjian sect for a few days, then went to live in poor Qiwang mountain for a month, and then walked in the north.

Now he was in a city.

This city has a lot of gene warriors.

"It's said that not long ago, there was a woman in red who killed people without blinking their eyes!"

"The devil in red?"

"Yes, I heard it was from the south!"

Ye Li hears the people on the street talking about the devil in red.

"The female devil in red has built a stronghold in Xunlong mountain to kill the dark race and some heinous people. It makes the dark race and the heinous people scared."

Looking for Longshan?

Ye Li thinks it's interesting.

"Get out of the way! Get out of my way

Suddenly, a big shout came into the ears of all.

The people in the street quickly followed the sound and found that a middle-aged man was running madly. The middle-aged man also had scarlet blood on his body, which made his scalp numb.


I don't know who it is.

Immediately, all the people on the street were astonished. They were obviously afraid of Xu Tong.

Behind Xu Tong, there is a young woman in red, holding a double pointed cold light dagger.

The woman in red is chasing Xu Tong.

"The devil in red!"

The passers-by on the street were all frightened and hid far away.

Who is Xu Tong?

It's no one else. It's the people who kill people and steal goods in this area. There are not hundreds of lives in hand, and it's not much difference.

Ye Li looks at Xu Tong and finds that Xu Tong is a seven level celestial selector, while the woman in red is an eight level one.


Ye Li smiles to himself. He thinks that the woman in red is the devil in red, but no matter how he looks at it, he doesn't feel that it will be a female devil.

Before long, the woman in red caught up with Xu Tong and gave him the result with his double pointed cold pointed dagger.


Xu Tong uttered a scream of astonishment.

All the pedestrians in the street bowed their heads and shivered.

Leaves from a faint smile, face crown such as jade's face, of course, there is no slightest fluctuation, he looked at the woman in red.

Suddenly, the pupil of the woman in red shot a cold light, cold light straight to the leaves from.

It goes without saying how weak Ye Li is when he is a gene warrior who is not even a king of earth realm.

"Do you dig your eyes or let me do it?"

The woman in red walked to Ye Li's side and said coldly to Ye Li.

Ye Li is stunned, thinking of elder brother this also did not provoke you, how to dig eyes?

"What does that mean?" Ye Li looks at the woman in red.

"Because you just looked at me and laughed, I don't like people laughing at me!" she said

Hear here, Ye Li is to understand, in the end is the head of the female devil in red, smile, eyes disappeared?

All the people looked at Ye Li with pity, because they all knew that Ye Li's eyes would be gone.

"But what if I don't want to lose my eyes?" Ye Li looks at the woman in red.

The red woman sees the ambiguous expression on Ye Li's face. Her pupil shrinks fiercely and flies to Ye Li.

When the double pointed cold awn dagger is only a line away from the leaf, the leaf leaves the hand.

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