More than 30 gene warriors of bailuo mountain all disdain to look at the people in Xifeng town.

"Our leader said that as long as you surrender obediently, you will not do well, otherwise..."

With a cold smile, he continued, "we bailuo mountain will kill you all!"

Arrogance, absolute arrogance!

"We will not compromise. Let's come to bailuo mountain." The old man said coldly, staring at more than 30 gene warriors.

Many gene warriors in bailuo mountain have obviously thought that Xifeng town will not compromise. There is no big change in their faces.

"Then you will wait."

There was a touch of irony on his face.

Ye Li didn't intend to pay attention to the west wind town and bailuo mountain, so he walked away slowly.

But what he didn't expect was that the tree wanted to be quiet, but the wind was not only!

More than 30 gene warriors in bailuo mountain actually stopped him.

"Boy, do you want to run?"

Five levels of heaven extremely disdain to look at Ye Li said.

Ye Li shakes his head when he hears words. Why can he always meet these ants?

"Get out of the way." Ye Li looked at more than 30 gene warriors in front of him, "don't let me say it the second time."

Many gene warriors of bailuo mountain are stunned. How could they think that Ye Li would say such a thing.

"Boy, do you dare to talk to us like that?" The fifth level Tongtian people firmly believe that Ye Li must not know the terror of bailuo mountain.

Ye Li slightly shakes his head, he looks at the five steps of the heaven, and slowly opens his mouth:

"do you know what you look like?"

"Like what?"

Five steps of the sky staring at Ye Li and drinking.



More than 30 gene warriors in bailuo mountain were all stunned.

"Kill him!"

The fifth level man can't stand the arrogance of Ye Li.

With the order of the fifth order Tongtian, more than 30 gene warriors left their hands on the leaves.

But how can they be Ye Li's opponent?

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

Dozens of wind breaking sounds appeared, and more than 30 gene warriors of bailuo mountain all flew backward.

They fell heavily on the ground, eyes wide open, their forehead are all more a shocking blood hole.


All the gene warriors in Xifeng town were shocked.

Naturally, the rest of the fifth level man was scared out of his wits.

"This, this, this..."

The fifth level of the heaven is shocked to see Ye Li.

Ye Li, with a smile, said to the five levels of the heavenly beings: "now do you think they are like dead people?"

How can the fifth level master of heaven be able to say a complete sentence? His whole body is shaking.

"I, I am from bailuo mountain, if you..."

It's a pity that the fifth level master of heaven can't finish this sentence completely. His life has disappeared from the world forever.

Until he died, the fifth level man of bailuo mountain couldn't believe that his life ended like this.

At the moment, all the gene warriors in Xifeng town have been frozen like clay sculpture, unable to return to God for a long time.

Ye Li didn't want to pay attention to Xifeng town and bailuo mountain, but why didn't the people of bailuo mountain let him leave?

He doesn't understand. He really doesn't understand.

"In that case." Ye Li looked up at the sun in the sky, "bailuo mountain should also be destroyed."

With that, he walked slowly to bailuo mountain.

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