At the foot of bailuo mountain.

Ye Li looks at the magnificent bailuo mountain in front of him.

At this time, just a dozen more men came down from the bailuo mountain.

They also saw Ye Li.

"Who are you?"

More than a dozen men came to Ye Li, looking at Ye Li in doubt.

"Ye Li." Ye Li said slowly.

Of course, the dozen men have never heard of Ye Li's name.

"Are you here to join mount bailuo?" One man said.

In the past, the gene warriors who came to mount bailuo were all here to join bailuo mountain.

Let the more than ten men did not expect is, Ye Li is shaking his head.

"You're not here to join mount barrow?" A man looks at Ye Li in doubt.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, "I really do not come to join the white Luo mountain, but to destroy the white Luo mountain."

As soon as this word came out, more than a dozen men were all shocked. In any case, they didn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"You, what do you say?"

More than a dozen men believed that they must have heard wrong.


Leaves from a cold smile, "do you guess I will say the second time?"

More than a dozen men finally understand, leaf from the root is to find fault.

"Boy, how many lives do you have? How many lives do you dare to find trouble with bailuo mountain? I don't think you want to live any more."

A man said with a cold smile at Ye Li.

Leaf leaves from the face crown like jade's face does not have the slightest fluctuation, he looks at this talking man.

"Do you believe I can show you their bodies in a second?"

Ha ha ha!!!

Hearing this, more than ten men all burst into laughter, as if they had never heard such a funny joke.

"You, what do you say?"

This man plays ignorant unceasingly looking at the leaf leaves.

But as soon as he finished his words, he heard more than a dozen broken wind's voices, and then, all the people around him were finished.


The man looked at the corpse on the ground in horror. Their death was the same. There was a shocking blood hole on his forehead.

At the moment, the man has been scared out of three souls, two souls, seven souls but six spirits.

"Now, do you believe what I say?" Ye Li looked at the man lightly.

"Believe, believe." The man quickly replied.

Leaf from a smile, "go to tell your leaders, said that the people who destroyed the bailuo mountain are coming."

Hearing this, the man, who dared to stay here for half a minute, ran to mount bailuo.

A moment later, hundreds of gene warriors came down from Mount bailuo.

Ye Li's face is as calm as water. In his opinion, the hundreds of gene warriors in his eyes are really too weak.

Hundreds of gene warriors have all arrived at the foot of bailuo mountain.

"He did it!"

The man pointed to Ye Li and said.

"You, the man who killed me in bailuo mountain?"

An eight step Tongtian opens his mouth to the cold leaves.

"That's right." Ye Li nodded.

Eight levels of heaven one Zheng, he is really do not understand that it has arrived at this time, Ye Li why can still be so indifferent.

"Don't you know you're dead?"

The eight steps of heaven are puzzled and look at Ye Li.

"I don't know." Ye Li shook his head.

Hearing the words, the eighth order man was stunned, and the hundreds of gene warriors behind him were also stunned.

Are there people who are not afraid of them in this area?

"Then you die!"

The eight steps to the sky open their mouth to the cold leaves.

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