The eight steps of heaven are watching Ye Li.

"Give it to me!"

With the command of the eighth order man, hundreds of gene warriors behind him all came to the leaves.

Ye Li is not interested in paying attention to these mole ants at all. He releases a DA from the system space.


A big punch out.


All of a sudden, the wind began to go backwards.

Just this one blow, hundreds of gene warriors will all fly out.

The eighth order man also fell to the ground, his face already had a look of panic.

"This, this, this..."

Where can this eight level master of heaven be able to say a complete sentence.

Ye Limian's face did not fluctuate at all. He walked slowly towards the eight steps Tongtian man who fell to the ground,

"you, you!"

Seeing ye Li coming to him, he was scared out of his wits.

"How do you want to die?" Leaves from the light looking at the eight steps of heaven.

Hearing this, the eight step Tongtian person was scared to be dumb and pale.

"I, I don't want to die."

After a few seconds, the eighth level master finally said a word.


Ye Li shook his head, then he put up his fingers, on the fingers, the aura of terror.


With the sound of a broken wind, the life of the eighth order man of heaven disappeared from the world forever.

Ye Li released the zombies of the last legion from the system space.

"You go and destroy mount bailuo, and then go and synthesize zombies." Ye Li spoke slowly to the last legion.

When the last legion took command, it disappeared.


Ye Li thinks it's time to go to the place of the fire demon clan.

Fire demon clan in the south of the fire.

In addition to the fire demon clan, there are many dark races and zombies.

And, of course, there are humans.

Ye left for the field of fire.

This is a black waste.

"Oh! Oops

In an instant, hundreds of zombies found him and flew towards him.

These zombies are too weak in Ye Li's eyes.


Leaf from a punch, hundreds of zombies will all fall to the ground.

He didn't choose to synthesize these zombies. He could, but he didn't have to.

He went to a base city named Donglei.

There are many base cities in Donglei, and there are also many gene warriors.

At this time, a dagger butted against his back.

"Keep quiet, boy."

Ye Li turned back and found that he was a man with a sharp mouth.

"Who are you?" Leaves from the face crown such as jade face and did not have the slightest fluctuation.

The sharp faced man sneered, "you don't care who I am. You just need to know that your life is in my hands now."

Ye Li wants to laugh, and he really wants to laugh, because the man with sharp mouth and monkey cheek is just a third-order man who can understand Heaven.

"Come with me The man with sharp noses said to Ye Li lenglengleng.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, thinking that since so, then go to have a look.

Before long, the man took Ye Li to an abandoned factory.

"Boy, if you don't want to die, please hand in the eschatological coins!"

Leaf from smell speech understand come over, this is robbery.

He really hasn't met.

Leaf from the face is very light, he looked at the man in front of him.

"But what if I don't have eschatological coins?"

"Don't play tricks, or your grandfather's white knife will come in and your red knife will come out!"

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