Ye Li looked at the middle-aged fat man and said faintly:

"tell me who you are, but I have some interest to know."

He thought that this middle-aged fat man was a little interesting, but he was just a seven level man who dared to say such a thing to him.

The middle-aged man, I heard you sneer all the way

Ye Li smiles. He does.

"I'll give you a chance to live now. Leave." Ye Li slowly opened his mouth to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man named stone tiger, he heard Ye Li's words, instantly angry.

"What do you say?"

Where does stone tiger think Ye Li dare to say such words to him.

Ye can't help but sigh, Lu Bing is also looking at the stone tiger with pity, just because she has guessed the end of the stone tiger.

"Why did I give you a chance to live, but you didn't choose to cherish it?" Ye Li looks at the stone tiger in doubt.

More and more people were watching, and they were all shocked.

Naturally, they know the terror of stone tiger. How can they think that Ye Li and Lu Bing can be so calm when facing the stone tiger.

"Boy, I think you are looking for death!"

Stone Tiger roared, then toward the leaf from a fist fierce fight.

Leaf from light look at the blow, he shook his head, this fist in his view, is too weak.

He also hit a punch.

See Ye Li and stone tiger's fist heavy impact together.


In an instant, the stone tiger sent out a startling scream. It really made people's scalp numb.

The onlookers looked at the stone tiger in a hurry, but found that the stone tiger where there is a little bit of vitality ah.

"What? Is Stone Tiger dead? "

"Stone tiger is a seven level man who can communicate with heaven. How could he be killed with one blow?"

"My God, this man is a little too strong."

All of them were shocked to see ye.

At this time, the leader of the town guard team arrived with several members.

If they don't look at it, they are all in a daze.

"Yes, you killed the stone tiger?"

The guard team looked at Ye Li with consternation.

"Maybe it's me." Ye Li said slowly.

Ye Li originally thought that the guard captain was coming to trouble him, but what he didn't expect was that he had a look of gratitude on his face.

"My Lord, thank you for removing a great evil from my town." The leader of the guard team said to Ye Li.

Leaf from the face of the light, he did not answer the words of the guard team leader.

"My Lord, stay in this town. The dark race of the green winged Viper has been so rampant recently." The guard team leader then said to Ye Li.

"No more." Ye Li looked at the captain of the guard team, "Green Wing dark race has been destroyed by me."


As soon as this words out, all the people present can't help but take a breath of cold air and stare at Ye Li in succession.

"My Lord, is that true?" On the road, the captain of the town guard team was shocked and looked at Ye Li and asked.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Ye Li looked at the captain of the guard team lightly.

Later, the leader of the guard team sent someone to confirm and found that the green winged forest had disappeared.

This day is the biggest day in the town.

And Ye Li and Lu Bing stayed on the road for a day, and they went to the ice gate.

Ye Li came to the south to travel. Naturally, he would like to see every place.

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