"Master, you are so good."

On the way to the ice gate, Lu Bing can't help but say to Ye Li.

"Not bad." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Of course, Lu Bing knows that Ye Li is modest. She quickly goes on to say, "master, can you tell me what kind of state you are?"

When ye Li heard the speech, he looked at the sun in the sky and said to the land ice, "in fact, my realm is not very high, but it is only the third level of heavenly king level."


As soon as this remark was made, Lu Bing was shocked beyond measure.

Third level Heavenly King level realm?

Lu Bing knows that Ye Li is very terrible, but he has never thought that Ye Li is the third level Heavenly King level realm.

…… Ice city.

There is an ice and snow mountain in the center of the ice city. Above the ice mountain is the ice and snow gate.

Ye Li and Lu Bing arrive at the ice city.

"You should be the strongest disciple of ice and snow gate?"

Ye Li said faintly to the land ice.

"Yes, master." Lu Bing replied to Ye Li.

Then they went up the iceberg.

Lu Bing is the eldest disciple of the ice and snow gate. After they enter the ice snow gate, all the disciples of the ice snow gate all look at Lu Bing and Ye Li.

"Who is this man? He is with the elder martial sister?"

"Is it the big sister's boyfriend?"

"No way. How could a senior sister find a boyfriend?"

All the disciples on the ice gate square are curious to see Ye Li.

"But that man looks good." One of the female disciples couldn't help but become a flower maniac.

Leaves from the face crown like jade's face did not have the slightest fluctuation, as if did not hear any words at all.

"Elder martial sister, are you back?"

A man walked up to Lu Bing and said with a smile.

"Well." Lu Bing heard the speech and nodded.

"This is it?" The man looked at Ye Li.

"My name is Ye Li." Ye Li replied truthfully.

The man laughed and said, "Hello, my name is mu Chen."

Muchen is the second genius of the ice gate and the king level realm of six terraces.

"By the way, I don't know what is the relationship between you and the elder martial sister?" Mu Chen said to Ye Li again.

"Friend." Leaves from slowly open his mouth, his face is still not the slightest fluctuation.

Mu dust smell speech is a smile again, "I see not just ordinary friend so simple?"

Leaf cannot help but shake his head secretly, he really does not understand why there are always people who want to find his trouble?

"You seem to talk a lot?" Ye Li looks at the pasturage dust.

All the disciples on the ice gate square were surprised. Naturally, they didn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

Quiet, dead silence.

"Mu Chen, what do you want?" Lu Bing frowned.

Mu Chen sneered, "elder martial sister, I just think that Ye Li came to our ice and snow gate, so I asked clearly."

Finish saying, Mu Chen again looked to leaf leave.

"Come on, who are you?"

Leaf from a smile, "do you really want to know my identity?"

"Yes." Mu Chen nodded and said.

Ye Li looked at the sun in the sky and said slowly:

"since you want to know my identity, I will tell you that I am the master of the northern frontier."

Ha ha ha!!!

As soon as this was said, not only mu Chen, but also all the disciples in the square burst into laughter, as if hearing the most funny joke in the world.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Li's face was afraid and puzzled.

Mu Chen stopped laughing. He looked at Ye Li with great disdain. "If you are the master of the northern border, then I am the master of the southern border!"

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