If Bai Ruo is stunned, she quickly looks along the voice and finds that the speaker is not someone else, it is the first sword master Feng Changqing.


Bai Ruo called to the wind.

"Yes." Feng Changqing nodded.

White if at the moment in the heart is terrified, she thought just as if the master was calling Ye Li?

Is it possible that

Suddenly, white if thought of a surprising possibility.

That is, ye Lizhen is the leader of the sword clan.


Sure enough, the wind Changqing again called a patriarch to Ye Li, and his voice was extremely respectful.

"Is this your disciple?" Ye Li looks at Bai Ruo and says.

Bai Ruo is shocked. Ye Li once said to her that he is the leader of the sword clan, but she can't believe it in any case.

Now she had to believe it.

"Lord, she is my new disciple." The wind Changqing quickly answers to the leaf.

More words, no leaves.

"Bai Ruo, haven't you met the LORD yet?" Feng Changqing said to Bai Ruo in a deep voice.

Bai Ruo, who dares to be slighted, looks at Ye Li in embarrassment and calls out:


Leaves from an open smile, face crown such as jade face is very light.

"Lord, Kun demon has appeared recently."

The first sword Lord Feng Changqing suddenly said to Ye Li.


Ye Li naturally doesn't know who Kun devil is.

Feng Changqing, the first sword master, also saw that Ye Li didn't know, so he said to Ye Li again:

"Lord, kunmo was a big demon in the Northern Territory decades ago. He was not a real demon family, but was possessed by the cultivation of evil skills."

"When the Kun devil was possessed by the devil, he killed unknown people, and then disappeared. Recently, it appears in the north of the Northern Territory, killing tens of thousands of human beings, and cultivating the blood map magic skill."

After hearing the words of Feng Changqing, Ye Li can't help being silent.

How can he say that he is also the leader of the northern frontier? Under his control, a demon has killed tens of thousands of human beings?

It's really tolerable, which one can't bear!

Do you know where you are Ye Li looks at the wind evergreen.

Feng Changqing shook his head. "No one knows exactly where it is. It only knows that the last time he appears is the sand."

"Lord, it seems that the Kun devil has entered the third level of heavenly king level." The first sword master Feng Changqing said to ye again.

Third level Heavenly King level realm?

Ye Li smiles coldly. He is now a third-order Heavenly King level realm. Under the same level of state, if he wants to kill the so-called Kun devil, it is as simple as killing a pig and killing a dog.

"I'll go to the sand." Ye Li said to the wind Changqing.

Wind Changqing is quickly called Ye Li, "master, wait a minute. If Bai is a person in the sand, it will be more convenient for her to take it."

Ye Li thinks it's OK. Bai Ruo is the first day of his sword clan. If he takes her, it will be an experience.

"Let's go." Leaves from the light looking at white if.

White if smell speech quickly nodded, then two people will toward the sand and go.


Sandy land.

Sandy land is the largest area to the north of the northern boundary.

There are countless dark races and zombies, and, of course, countless humans.

Bai ruo's family is the most powerful Bai family in the sandy land.

When ye Li and Bai Ruo arrive at the sand, Bai Ruo looks at Ye Li respectfully and says to him:

"patriarch, go to my family first."

Ye Li nodded. Bai Ruo takes Ye Li and starts to go to Bai's home in the sandy land.

One day later, Ye Li and Bai Ruo came to a place called Shahe base city.

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