"Master, this is Shahe base city, which is the largest base city in sandy land." Bai Ruo said to Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't say much, he even went to the southern border city, let alone Shahe base city such a small place.

"Barrow, are you back?"

Suddenly, a very magnetic sound came into Ye Li and Bai ruo's ears.

Ye Lishun looks at the voice and finds that the speaker is a teenager of the same size as Bai Ruo, who is very good.


As white as a frown.

Youth is wood cloud, saw wood cloud walked to Bai ruo's body, surprised to see white if.

"Bai Ruo, I thought you would not come back if you went to the sword clan."

"Of course I will come back."

Ye Li smiles to himself, thinking that the relationship between Bai Ruo and Muyun should be good, and there has been some wind of dog food.

"He is..."

When Mu Yun looks at Ye Li, he can't help but feel a bit stunned. In his opinion, Ye Li is too handsome. He dares to swear that he has never seen such a good-looking person since he was born.

Compared with the man in front of him, it's not much different from one sky to another underground.

"This is the leader of our sword clan." Bai Ruo said.


Mu Yun is surprised. He looks at Ye Li in amazement. He even wants to break his head, but he can't think that ye Lihui is the leader of the sword clan.

Now everyone in the Northern Territory knows that Ye Li is not only the leader of the sword clan, but also the king of the northern border.

In front of him, the God is as rich as jade, and his beauty is incomparable. He is the legendary master of the northern frontier, the demon king Ye Li?

"Are you the devil Lord?"

Wooden cloud looked at the leaves.

His voice was not loud, but many passers-by heard him.


"Lord devil?"

"Is it the Demon Lord Ye Li?"

"My God, is it that the Lord devil knows that Kun demon appears in our sand and comes to the sand to kill Kun devil?"

All the people were surprised.

They all look at the leaves around Bai Ruo.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. All of them are shocked by Ye Li's appearance. Where have they seen such a rich God like jade before.

"Let's go." Leaves from the white if slowly open.

He did not know how many such scenes he had seen since he had crossed into the world. Of course, there was no fluctuation in his face.

Mu Yun looks at the face of Ye Li's calm water, and can't help admiring Ye Li.

In this way, admiration is just like the continuous flow of the river and the flood of the Yellow River.

White if nodded, then with the leaves from the white home.


The Bai family is the most powerful family in the sand.

Ye Li, Bai Ruo and Mu Yun arrive outside Bai's home.

"Lord, this is my family." Bai Ruo said respectfully to Ye Li.

Several white children see white if, their faces all showed a touch of surprise color.

"Ruo Jie, you are back."

Several Bai's children rushed to meet him.

"Tell my dad that our Lord is here." Bai Ruo said, looking at several disciples in front of her.


When this was said, the children of the Bai family couldn't help but look pale. They would never dream that Bai Ruo would say such a thing.


Of course, they know that Bai Ruo went to the sword clan, and who is the leader of the sword clan?

That's the legend of the northern border master Ye Li!

These several Bai's children all know Muyun, so the devil leaves only one person.

That is He!

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