Hundreds of residents of Heifeng town were all in a daze. How could they expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"Who are you, then

The second-order Tongtian person looks at Ye Li and asks.

Hundreds of residents of Heifeng town also look at Ye Li and want to know who Ye Li is.

"My name is Ye Li." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Ye Li?

The second-order Tongtian people and hundreds of residents of Heifeng town have never heard of Ye Li's name.

They first thought for a moment, and then added two words before the name Ye Li.

It doesn't matter if you add it, it's all startled.

These two words are the devil, the demon king Ye Li!

"You, you are the Lord of the northern frontier, Ye Li?" The second level of the sky is shocked to see Ye Li.

Hundreds of residents of Heifeng town were all stunned, and their faces were as horrified as they could be.

Ye Li's face, of course, has no fluctuation.

"What do you think?" Leaves from the light looking at the second-order Tongtian.

Where can the second-order Tongtian person still be able to say a complete sentence at the moment.

At this time, hundreds of residents of Heifeng town finally know why Ye Li came to Heifeng town. It turns out that Ye Li is the legendary demon.

"Lord devil, are you here to help us?" The second-order man asked tentatively.

"Yes." Ye Li only said one word, but this one word is better than thousands of words.

The residents of Heifeng town were all surprised.

"Do you know where kunmo is?" Ye Li asked.

Hearing this, the second-order Tongtian man quickly replied: "if you return to the demon lord, Kun demon will practice in the black tuyere."

Ye Li not only once heard the name of black tuyere. Bai Zhan, the owner of the white family, said to him that the last place where kunmo appeared was in this black tuyere.

He thought the Kun devil had left the black air outlet, but he didn't think that the Kun devil was still practicing in the black wind mouth.

"Are you sure kunmo is still in heifengkou?" Ye Li glanced at the black wind town and asked again.

All the people in Heifeng town nodded, "Lord devil, we can be sure."

"Lord demon, Kun and demon should be practicing a kind of magic in the black air outlet. Now there is a cloud of blood all day long over the black air outlet, which looks terrible."

Hearing this, Ye Li is relieved. As long as Kun Mo is still in the black tuyere, it also saves him a lot of trouble.

Later, Ye Li urged God to walk a hundred steps toward the black tuyere.

A hundred residents of Heifeng town were stunned when they saw Ye Li suddenly disappeared.

I think the Lord is really the Lord.


Black tuyere.

Leaves from the black tuyere, as expected and the black wind town people said the same, the black tuyere is indeed a blood cloud.

If some timid ordinary people see such a horrible scene, I'm afraid they won't be scared to death.

Ye Li used the Tianling pupil to detect up, he found that there was a cave in the black tuyere. Inside the cave, there are blood clouds floating out, which makes the scalp numb.

He thought that the Kun devil should be in this cave.

Suddenly, Ye Li heard the sound of heartbreaking laughter.

Ha ha ha!


Just heard a burst of explosion, the top of the cave exploded, a figure flew out.

This figure is really terrible, all over the body are wrapped in blood mist.

"Ha ha ha, my blood map magic attack has finally been cultivated successfully!"

Once again, the figure made a startling laugh.

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