Looking at the figure, he must be able to get out of the sky.

At this time, kunmo also found him.


Kun demon's face appeared a sneer. He didn't think that there would be human beings in the black tuyere.

However, he found that there was no wave of fear on the human face, as if he had not seen him at all.

"You're not afraid of me?"

In the middle of the sky, the Kun devil looks at Ye Li.

"Why should I be afraid of you?" Leaves from the light ask.

Kunmo was stunned. He had never seen such a person as Ye Li.

"Maybe you don't know who I am, so you're not afraid of me." Kun demon said with a sneer at Ye Li.

Leaf leaves faint smile, "you are not Kun demon?"

As soon as this word came out, Kun Mo couldn't help being a bit stunned, just because he thought Ye Li knew who he was, why he was not afraid.

"I admire you very much, I really admire you very much, know I am Kun demon, incredibly still not afraid, you are not afraid of death?"

Kunmo is a third-order Heavenly King level realm, and Ye Li is also a third-order Heavenly King level realm.

However, Ye Li's three-level Heavenly King level realm is always better than the ordinary three-level Heavenly King level realm.

"You are not a three-level Heavenly King level realm." Ye Li calmly looked at the Kun devil, "is there anything to be afraid of?"

When Kun Mo heard this, he was shocked. He was really shocked.

He would not even think of breaking his head. Ye Li dared to say such a thing.

"Who the hell are you?"

Kun demon shouts at Ye Li coldly. He knows that Ye Li can say such a thing. He will not be an ordinary gene warrior.

"My name is Ye Li. You can also call me the devil Ye Li." Ye Li said slowly to the Kun devil in the air.

Ye Li?

Kun demon was surprised. He had heard of the demon king Ye Li.

"Are you Ye Li, the Lord of the northern frontier?" Kun demon stares at Ye Li and drinks.

"That's right." Ye Li said slowly.

"Kun demon suddenly sneered," I thought you were who, the original demon leaves from ah


"since the devil leaves me slowly, why don't you leave me

"What do you say?" Kun demon gritted his teeth and yelled at Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't say much. He took the Taigu Longyuan sword out of the system space.


Suddenly, there was a flash of cold light from the black tuyere. The sound of swords and the sound of dragon were heard all the time. A five clawed blood dragon was perched on the top of Ye Li's head.


Looking at such a vision, Kun demon couldn't help being a bit stunned.

"Ye Li, the demon king, what sword are you holding?"

Where has Kun demon seen such a terrible sword.

Leaves from the corner of the mouth slightly up, face crown such as jade's face emerged a touch of indifferent smile.

"This sword is called Taigu Longyuan sword. It's also a sword to kill you." Ye Li slowly opens his mouth to Kun devil.

Kun devil smell speech look extremely cold up, he dead looking at Ye Li.

"Ye Li, the demon king, your tone is so big that you are not afraid of the wind flashing your tongue."

The sound falls, the Kun devil spread out his hands, on both hands a terrible blood aura began to condense quickly.

"Blood devil!"

All of a sudden, from the hands of Kun demon, a blood demon with terror like this flew out.

The whole body of the blood demon is condensed by the blood mist, which is really heartbreaking.

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