The man's name is Lin Bai.

Hearing Lin Bai's words, Jin Yu hesitated.

"Linbai, I, I don't know him."


Lin Bai sneered, "that is to say, he is not your family master of Leiyun base city?"

Immediately, Lin Bai's face appeared a look of disdain.

"In fact, even if you are the young master of Lei Yun base city family, I am not afraid of crazy tiger clan."


Rose Restaurant everyone was shocked.

Crazy Tiger Zong?

Of course, they know the crazy tiger clan, but it is the most powerful force among the five base cities around!

Restaurant people even want to break the head did not expect that Lin Bai will be a crazy tiger.

When Xia Ge heard the crazy tiger clan, she couldn't help being pale.

Lin's face was so white that he even laughed.

But the next second he couldn't laugh, because he found that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, as if he had not heard his words at all.

"You, do you know crazy tiger clan?"

In Lin Bai's opinion, Ye Li must not know the crazy tiger clan, otherwise at the moment, he has already been scared to the bottom of his stomach.

"I don't know." Ye Li shook his head.

Everyone in the restaurant was surprised, thinking that there were people who didn't know crazy tiger clan?

"My crazy tiger clan is the most powerful force among the five base cities."

Lin Bai is very proud of the introduction of the wild tiger from Ye Li!

"Oh, what does that have to do with me?"

On the face of a jade face, such as from the face of the unknown leaf.


Hearing this, Lin Bai became angry.

"Boy, I don't think you can see the coffin without tears!"

Lin Bai angrily stares at Ye Li and drinks.

Leaf from a smile, "I even see the coffin will not cry, because I will always need a coffin."


Rose Restaurant people are shocked, they naturally did not expect Ye Li in the face of crazy tiger Zong, also dare to say such words.

"Forget it, Lin Bai." Jinyu looked at Lin Bai, "after all After all, he didn't offend you. "

"Ha ha."

Lin Bai said with a cold smile, "the world has always been based on strength. Even if he didn't provoke me, but now I don't like him, what can he do?"

Ye Li sighed to himself. He didn't expect that there was Wang Ba, a little gene warrior of King level in six terraces, who dared to speak up in front of him.

"Jinyu, you really let me down."

Lin Bai looked at Jinyu and said, "you speak for him!"

Jin Yuwen listened to this, although the heart was unhappy, but also quickly shut his mouth.

After all, the Jin family can't provoke the crazy tiger clan!

"Boy, you said you'll never need a coffin?"

Lin Bai looks at Ye Li without hesitation.

"What do you think of breaking your hand?"

Ye Li suddenly said to Lin Bai.

Lin Bai was surprised. Of course, he didn't understand what ye Li meant.

"What do you mean?" Lin Bai looks at Ye Li.

Ye Li did not speak.

Just as Lin Bai was about to ask questions, he screamed out.

Ah, ah, ah!

The sound of the scream was really numbing.

All the people in the restaurant looked at it. It didn't matter if they didn't see it. They were all scared out of their wits!

Because Lin Bai's left hand has been separated from his body!

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