Only listen to Lin Bai's shrieking voice, the sound of the scream really makes people's scalp numb.

Ah, ah, ah!

Lin Bai was still screaming, and his hand broke away from his body.

The people in the restaurant were so scared that they could have as much panic on their faces.

Jinyu and Xiage are not the same, they have even been scared silly, where can still say a complete sentence to ah.

"You, you!"

After a long time, Jin Yu looks at Ye Li in horror.

"Lin Bai is a man of the crazy tiger clan. Don't you know the power of the crazy tiger clan?"

For Jinyu's words, Ye Li also had to choose but smile, because of such words, he had said many times just now.

See Ye Li did not answer, Jinyu did not dare to continue to say, she was afraid that Ye Li would kill her.

Immediately, Jinyu left the Rose Restaurant with Lin Bai.


Summer song swallows saliva, is very frightened looking at Ye Li.

Leaves from the face crown such as jade's face is naturally not a bit of fluctuation, he looked at the summer song lightly, "are you afraid?"

Xia Ge is really afraid, not only afraid, but also afraid to the point beyond the limit.

You know, that's crazy tiger clan!

"Master, why don't you go and sit down with me now?"

Xia Ge looks at Ye Li tentatively.

Ye Li thought, and then nodded.

Before long, Ye Li and Xia Ge arrived in front of a villa.

"Master, this is my home."

Ye Li is stunned. He thinks that the summer song is the son of the family in Leiyun base city. How can he watch

Xia Ge obviously saw Ye Li's doubts. She said quickly:

"master, I don't live with my family."

Listen to Xia GE's explanation, Ye Li understands.

Two people into the villa after, leaves from sitting on the sofa, found that the sofa is also very soft.

"Master, you..."

Summer song some desire to speak and stop up, as if there is something hard to say in general.

"What's the matter?"

Ye Li looks at summer song and asks.

"Master, are you really not afraid of crazy tiger clan?" Summer song swallows the mouth to spit, is very frightened looking at the leaf leaves.

"Ha ha." Leaf from indifferent smile, "that you think I am afraid of the crazy tiger clan?"

Xia Ge is stunned at the smell of speech. Judging from Ye Li's facial expression, she knows that Ye Li must not be afraid of crazy tiger clan.


After all, the crazy tiger clan is the most powerful force in the surrounding five base cities. There are few of the five base cities that are not afraid of the crazy tiger clan.

"Master, what if the people of the crazy tiger clan come to you?"

Xia Ge asked again.

Ye Li secretly happy, thinking of this Ni Zi's words are quite a lot.

"Just look for it. I'm not afraid." Ye Li said with indifference.

Xia Ge knows that she can't continue to ask. Of course, she knows the existence of Ye Li. She always doesn't like other people's words.

Ye Li and Xia Ge haven't been in the living room for long, and there's a commotion outside the door.

"Come on! Come on

Xia Ge gets up from the sofa and is ready to go out and see what's going on.

To her surprise, there were so many people in her family.

"Dad, you, why are you here?"

Xia Ge looks at a middle-aged man and doubts.

"Xia Ge, you do this to harm the family, you know?"

The middle-aged man hates the iron is not steel, looking at the summer song.

Xia Ge is very smart. She already knows why her father said that.

The story of Lin Bai has been spread out!

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