The middle-aged man named Xia Cheng is the father of Xiage, who is king level realm on five terraces.

"Summer song, where is that man now?"

Xia Cheng suppressed his voice and said to Xia Ge.

"The elder is in it." Summer song said.

Xia Cheng sniffed a cold smile, "summer song, after we take your boy back, you must say that he coerced you."

Xia Ge is stunned. She knows that her father is worried about the safety of the family.

"Do you hear me?"

See summer song hesitation, Xia Cheng light drink a.

"Xia Ge, what's the matter?"

Just when Xia Ge didn't know how to answer, a lazy voice came into everyone's ears.

When Xia Cheng and more than 30 gene warriors heard the speech, they followed the voice and looked at the past.

it doesn't matter if they don't look at it, they are shocked.

Because ye Li is so beautiful, they dare to swear that Ye Li is definitely the most beautiful person they have ever seen, and there is no one of them.

"You, you are a maniac who broke Lin Bai's arm?"

Xia Cheng stares at Ye Li.

"Yes." Ye Li nodded, and he felt that there was nothing to hide.

Xia Cheng sneered, "since you are that maniac, then I will tie you now, you should not object?"

Listening to Xia Cheng's words, Ye Li pondered for several seconds and slowly opened his mouth:

"no objection."

Xia Chengyi Zheng, he naturally did not think that Ye Li would not object.

"Are you really not going to object?"

He is not a fool, after all, can break Lin Bai's arm, which proves that Ye Li is definitely not a weak man.

"Yes, as long as you can take me." Ye Li said faintly.

Hearing this, Xia Cheng frowned.

"Tie him to me!"


With the command of Xia Cheng, dozens of gene warriors are coming towards the leaves.

Ye Limian's face did not fluctuate at all. His body was still like a bell, as if he had not seen these gene warriors coming to him at all.

The gene warrior who attacked Ye Li saw that Ye Li didn't mean to resist. They secretly gave a breath.

When it comes to Ye Li's side, they begin to tie up Ye Li.

Xia Cheng saw that Ye Li had no objection, so he was relieved.

He knew that this must be done well. Otherwise, the crazy tiger clan would blame them and the Xia family would be gone.

"You should be glad you didn't resist, otherwise you would be a dead man now."

Summer said with a cold smile.

Ye Li didn't answer Xia Cheng's meaning, because Xia Cheng was too weak in his eyes. He couldn't raise any interest in dealing with Xia Cheng.

"Take it away!"

Xia Cheng shouts to all the gene warriors.

Many gene warriors smell speech and prepare to leave leaves away, but they are found that Ye Li is actually motionless.

No matter how they push, Ye Li is still in place, as stable as Mount Tai.

"This, this, this..."

Many gene warriors are shocked, they found that even with the strength of suckling, Ye Li can't walk half a step.

Xia Cheng also froze, as petrified in the same place.

"You, what do you mean?"

After a long time, Xia Chengcai said to Ye Li.

Ye Li smiles indifferently. He looks at Xia Cheng and says, "it's not interesting. I said it just now. As long as you can take me, I will go with you."

Xia Cheng's whole body is shocked because he finally understands the meaning of Ye Li.

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