Ye Li's face is still very boring, as if killing Li Shaoyun, just doing a trivial thing.

"Li Li Li Is Li Shaoyun dead? "

All the people under the challenge arena were shocked. They stepped back several steps and looked at Ye Li on the challenge arena.

Even if they want to spend ten days and ten nights, they can't believe that ye Lihui killed Li Shaoyun.

They can't believe that Ye Li can kill Li Shaoyun.

Previously, they thought that Ye Li would never be Li Shaoyun's opponent. They even thought that Li Shaoyun could make Ye Li's life disappear forever in this world with one blow.

It's a pity that they all missed a little.

This is Ye Li's strength!

Only because the strength of Ye Li has been frightening to the point of heaven and man.

For a moment, shock, amazement, stupidity, and all sorts of complicated expressions filled the faces of the people.

"Master, it's amazing."

Looking at the slightly emaciated voice on the challenge arena, Jin Yu said to herself.

"Do you know that Li Shaoyun is a genius of the crazy tiger clan? If you kill him, you will surely die!"

Suddenly, a man said to Ye Li in horror.

Ye Li smiles, he is to find the trouble of crazy tiger clan.

"Go and tell the crazy tiger clan that the man who broke Lin Bai's arm is coming."

Ye Li is in the arena, he glances at the crowd and slowly opens his mouth.


As soon as he said this, all the people under the challenge arena were shocked. In any case, they didn't expect Ye Lihui to suddenly say such words.

Naturally, they knew that Lin Bai, the young patriarch of the wild tiger clan, was cut off.

They had thought that Lin Bai must have been provoked by something supreme, but they did not think of such a beautiful young man.

Lin Bai, the young patriarch of the crazy tiger clan, was killed again

The people under the challenge arena could not help swallowing their saliva. They thought that this was the situation that they would never die.

Immediately, someone went to report to the crazy tiger clan.

Before long, more than 100 gene warriors of the wild tiger clan rushed to come.

These more than 100 gene warriors, like tigers descending the mountain, are full of momentum!

The people under the challenge arena saw the gene warrior of the wild tiger clan coming, and they made way one after another.

More than 100 gene warriors of the wild tiger clan all went to Li Shaoyun's body. A middle-aged man saw Li Shaoyun's body, and his face showed a look of extreme anger.

"Who is it?"

The middle-aged man's voice was like thunder. All the onlookers were shocked and stepped back several steps.

More than 100 gene warriors of the wild tiger clan were also angry. Of course, they did not expect that the super genius of the wild tiger clan died in front of them.

"Stop yelling. I made it." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Middle aged men and more than 100 crazy tiger clan gene warrior smell speech, they quickly follow the voice to see the past.

"Is it you?"

The middle-aged man named Tang Shi is an elder of the crazy tiger clan.

"Oh, by the way, some time ago, there was a stone tiger who went to Leiyun base city to look for me and was killed by me."

Ye Li continued.


All the people in the arena were shocked when they heard this.

Stone tigers naturally know that it is the supreme existence of the second level Heavenly King level realm.

Everyone in the arena looks at Ye Li in amazement. They can't believe that Ye Li can kill the supreme existence of a second-order King gene warrior.

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