Tang Shi smell speech dead looking at Ye Li.

"You, what do you say?"

Leaves from a smile, face crown such as jade's face is naturally not the slightest fluctuation.

"It's just a gene warrior of the second level Heavenly King level. If you kill it, you'll kill it. What's the fuss about?" Ye Li said faintly.

All the people in the arena were shocked when they heard this. They swore that they were really shocked.

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

Tang's face suddenly appeared puzzled.

Tang Shi was so angry that he said, "you killed so many people in my crazy tiger clan. Now why do we come here?"

The onlookers did not understand why Ye Li asked such a question.

"Oh, I see." Leaf from light looking at Tang Shi, "you should be to die?"

As soon as this was said, Tang Shi and more than 100 gene warriors of the wild tiger clan were even more furious.

"Crazy man, take your life!"

With the fall of Tang Shi's voice, more than 100 crazy tiger clan's gene warriors rushed towards Ye Li.

Mole of ants really dare not to leave his face.


People like them can only be changed by death.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Suddenly, the sound of countless broken wind appeared in everyone's ears.

Ah, ah, ah!

Then came the numerous screams of astonishment.


The onlookers were shocked to the point that they could not be more shocked.

In this scene, they even dare not do so in their dreams.

Only because more than 100 gene warriors of the wild tiger clan who rushed to Ye Li all fell to the ground, and there was an amazing blood hole on their forehead.

It's not true, it's absolutely not true!

All the people present rubbed their eyes in a hurry. They didn't have time to see clearly. More than 100 people died?

They can't imagine the horror of Ye Li.

Immediately, the people hurriedly toward the leaf leaves from the face to see.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. All of them are scared because they find that Ye Li's face is still as calm as water.

All the onlookers wanted to cry. They felt that what was in front of them was not a person, but a devil.

A devil killed from Inferno!

The stone of Tang Dynasty has been frozen like a clay sculpture, and can't return to the gods for a long time.

"As I said, you are here to die." Ye Li looked at the frozen Tang Shi lightly, "why don't you believe it?"

Tang Shi hears the speech and quickly returns to the God, astonished extremely looking at Ye Li.

At the moment, he has endless regret in his heart. Where did he think that Ye Li was so scared.

If he had known that Ye Li was so terrible, he would have given him ten courage, and he certainly did not dare to do so.

Tang Shi is not a fool. He knows that if he wants to live, he can only escape.

Immediately, Tang Shi began to run away crazily.

Ye Li can't help but smile at himself. He really doesn't know why Tang Shi wants to escape?

Why didn't he spare some strength to cross the bridge?

Suddenly, he urged God to walk a hundred steps.

Suddenly, Ye Li appeared in front of Tang Shi.

Tang Shi was so frightened that he didn't think Ye Li would suddenly appear in front of him.

"Is this your escape route?"

Ye Li looked at Tang Shi and said faintly.

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