Tang Shi could not help but be shocked to lose color. He did not expect Ye Li to suddenly appear in front of him in any case.

"You, you!"

Where can Tang Shi say a complete sentence at this time.

"Are you afraid?"

On the face of a jade face, such as from the face of the unknown leaf.

Of course, Tang Shi is afraid. He is not only afraid, but also afraid to the point beyond the limit.

The cold sweat has wet his whole body!

"You don't have to be afraid." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Tang Shi was surprised when he heard the speech. Naturally, he didn't understand what ye Li meant.

But before he could speak, he heard Ye Li say again:

"in this world, good people are afraid, and bad people are also afraid. There is only one kind of people who can't be afraid..."

Ye Lidun stopped to speak, he looked at the Tang Shi in front of him and said, "that is the dead."

Hearing this, Tang Shi could not help but rush up the heavenly cover from his tail vertebrae.

He was as frightened as he could be.

Ye Li looked at the frightened look on Tang Shi's face. He couldn't help shaking his head secretly, thinking why Tang Shi didn't understand?

Then he raised his finger.

On the fingers, the power of terror began to condense rapidly.

Looking at such a scene, Tang Shi cried out:

"my life is over!"

Tang Shi didn't call him wrong because he was about to die.


With the sound of a broken wind, Tang Shi's life will disappear forever in this world.


The crowd watching such a scene, they all can't help but take a breath, have gaping at Ye Li.

However, they found that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, just like killing Tang Shi, just doing a trivial thing.

Quiet, dead silence.

Ye Li showed a side face and found that the jade had been as rigid as the clay sculpture.

He laughed to himself and urged God to walk a hundred steps to Jinyu's side.

"Are you shocked?"

Ye Li looked at the jade.

Jinyu smell speech back to God, she really don't understand why Ye Li said such words.

Of course, she was shocked. Anyone would be shocked if such a scene appeared in front of her.

However, what she never dreamed of was that Ye Li said the following sentence:

"never be shocked, because everything I do is enough to shock you for three days and three nights."

As soon as the words came out, Jinyu was more shocked.

Everything you do will shock you for three days and three nights?

Jinyu looks at Ye Li in horror. She thinks that if she thinks about it, there is only one person in the world who dares to say so.


Jinyu swallowed and spit. She thought it was true.

"Let's go."

Ye Li opened his mouth slowly to Jinyu.

Jinyu swallowed again and spit, "go, where are you going?"

Leaf from a smile, "of course, is crazy tiger clan."

As soon as this word comes out, Jinyu can't help but be shocked!

Immediately, Jinyu took Ye Li to the crazy tiger clan.

Before long, they went to the wild tiger clan.

What leaves don't know is that all the people in the hall of the mad tiger clan have been very angry.

Crazy tiger clan, hall!

"Is that true?"

Lin Ba, the leader of the crazy tiger clan, said to his disciples.

"Yes, patriarch. Tang Shi and more than 100 people are all over."

Said the disciple.

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