In the eyes of the dark race of King level mad cattle in the five terraces, all the human beings in front of them are dead.

But what he would never think of is that Ye Li actually said such a sentence.

Ye Li pointed his finger to the dark race of King level mad cattle on the fifth terrace and said slowly:

"come here, let me kill you."


The words of the black king, together with dozens of cattle, were shocked to see if they would all leave the dark land.

"You're not mad, are you, man?"

Five terraces King level mad cow dark race amazingly looks at Ye Li.

Ye Li sighed secretly, thinking why no one would believe him when he told the truth?

"I repeat, come here and let me kill you," Ye Li glanced at dozens of mad cattle in front of the dark race. "Don't let me say it again."

"Tear this man to pieces

The dark race of King level mad cattle in the fifth terrace was very angry, and he roared.

With the voice of the king level dark race of the five terraces falling down, dozens of mad cattle behind him rushed to the dark race.

Leaf from indifferent smile, his face is naturally not any fluctuation.

Only because he knew that the dozens of mad cow dark race that attacked him were about to die, and there was no possibility of their survival.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just as dozens of mad cattle and dark race were about to leave Ye's body, the sound of dozens of broken wind appeared.

Ah, ah, ah!

Then came the screams of astonishment.

See, dozens of mad cattle dark race fell to the ground, their lives forever disappeared from this world.

This, this, this

Looking at the scene in front of him, the king level mad cow dark race of the fifth terrace was shocked. He thought that he would not have thought that dozens of mad cow dark race would die in this way after ten days and ten nights.

"Man, you..."

But the words of the dark race of the king level mad cattle of the fifth terrace have not finished, and he has no chance to continue to speak.

I saw that the dark race of King level mad cattle of five terraces fell to the ground, and had no vitality.

"Let's go in."

Leaves from the face crown like jade face emerged a touch of uninteresting color.

The head of the stone family, Shi Cheng and the elders, all think that Ye Li is too terrible.

They have thought of Ye Li as the fifth layer, but what makes them want to break their heads is that Ye Li is actually the tenth layer!

They have never heard of such people, let alone have seen them before.

But ye Li, the head of the stone family and the elders have not yet taken a few steps, and countless mad cattle dark race rushed out.

The head of the stone family, Shi Cheng and the elders, were scared out of their wits.

Ye Li is happy to himself. He thinks that it's really interesting for the master of the stone family and the elders. How can he even show fear when he is with him?

This is what he didn't expect!

"I'd like to see who ate the gall of bear heart leopard!"

Just listen, a very cold voice appeared.

Ye Li takes a close look and finds that it is a sixth level heavenly Saint level mad cow. The dark race comes over.

Even with his toes, he could think of it. The six level heavenly Saint level mad cow dark race was the leader of the mad cow dark race.

The leader of the dark race of the mad cow has already come to Ye Li, the head of the stone family, Shi Cheng and the elders.

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