Shi Cheng, the head of the Shi family, and the elders were all shocked.

You know, they're dealing with the whole black race of mad cattle.

"By the way," the head of the dark race of mad cow looked at Ye Li and all the people of the stone family, "how do you want to die?"

In the eyes of the head of the dark race of the mad cow, they are already dead, and there is no possibility of survival.

Naturally, Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all. He looked at the head of the dark race of the mad cow and spoke slowly:

"do you really believe in your eyes?"

The leader of the dark race of mad cow was surprised. He just wanted to break his head, but he didn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"What do you mean, man?"

Leaf from indifferent smile, "is my meaning very difficult to understand?"

As soon as this word comes out, the leader of the dark race of mad cow can't help but be extremely angry. He looks at Ye Li.

"Man, do you know what will happen to you when you say that?"

"My end..." Ye Li pondered for a few seconds, "I really can't think of what will happen to me."


As soon as this was said, the whole mad cow dark race was extremely angry.

Where have they seen such a arrogant person as Ye Li.

"Human beings!"

This is the most angry time of the leader of the dark race of mad cow since he was born.

"Give it to me!"

Just listen to the roar of the dark race.

Then the roar of the dark race of the mad cow, and countless black race of the mad cow attacked.

Ye Li's face is of course no fluctuation, because these dark races are too weak in his eyes.

At the time when countless mad cattle and dark races attacked, Ye Li had already taken out the Archaean Longyuan sword from the system space.

The sound of swords and Dragons began to ring.


Thousands of mad cattle dark race found that there was a terrible five clawed blood dragon standing above Ye Li's head.

How could it be!

They all opened their eyes for the biggest time in history, and their mouths were open enough to swallow an oversized bowl.

They even think they are wrong, but no matter how they rub their eyes, the result is the same.


Leaves from the face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of doubt, "I really don't want to understand, what are you waiting for?"

"Give it to me! What are you afraid of? "

The head of the dark race of the mad cow roared.

Thousands of mad cattle, the dark race, have to continue to fight leaf.

Ye Li thinks about these mad cow dark race, why doesn't he understand?

"Xuantianba magic sword formula!"

I saw that Ye Li urged the SSS divine level skill, xuantianba magic sword formula.

Suddenly, a supreme sword interweaved with the power of ancient gods and demons, flew toward thousands of black cattle.


A terrible explosion was heard by the head of the dark race of the mad cow.

In any case, the leader of the dark race of mad cow would never have thought that Ye Li could urge such a terrible attack. His eyes were wide open.

When the overflowing sword light disappears, the head of the dark race of the mad cow is staring at it.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

This, this, this

Only because half of the thousands of mad cattle have fallen to the ground and have no life.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the head of the dark race of the mad cow could not stop shaking.

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