Lin Jing's white face was puzzled.

"Can you tell me now why you came to the zombie gathering place?"

Of course, Lin Jing wants to know that she has never seen such a person as Ye Li.

Ye Li did not say much, but released the last legion from the system space.


Lin Jing at one side looked at the last legion, can't help but be shocked, she quickly backward a few steps.

"Is this a zombie?"

She felt the powerful fluctuation of every zombie body of the last legion, and her pale face turned pale.

Ye Li's face naturally did not have the slightest fluctuation, he thought that Lin Jing was really a little fussy.

"The last of the world, let's go in."

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Immediately, he and the eschatological army went to the abandoned city.

When Lin Jing came back to her mind, she found that Ye Li had gone out more than ten steps, and she also hurriedly walked past.

Before long, they went to the abandoned city.

"Oh! Oops

Just to the abandoned city, hundreds of zombies found them and rushed towards them.

These hundreds of zombies are too weak. When they are close to Ye Li's body, the last legion will take action.

Suddenly, hundreds of zombies all fell to the ground, and then were combined by the last legion.

Hundreds of zombies that had fallen to the ground have disappeared!

This How is that possible?

Lin Jing was shocked.

She quickly rubbed her eyes, but no matter how she rubbed them, the result was the same.

Even if she wanted to break her head, she would not think why hundreds of zombies suddenly disappeared.

"How is this done?"

Lin Jing looked at Ye Li, and her white face became very curious.

"Didn't you ask me what I was doing in the zombie gathering place just now

Ye Li said faintly.

Lin Jing smell speech, her heart incomparably shocked up, she would never have thought of it before, it would be such a scene!

"It's terrible!"

Lin Jing still has some lingering fear.

"The last legion, go and synthesize zombies."

Ye Li gives orders to the last legion.

At the command of the last legion, they went from all directions.

"By the way, what is your identity?"

Ye Li suddenly asked Lin Jing.

He thought that Lin Jing was a second-order Saint gene warrior. He was a genius among the geniuses. He must be the son of a big force!

"I'm from Beihuang League!"

Northern famine League?

Although Ye Li has never heard of the Northern Wilderness League, he knows that the land under his feet is the northern desert grassland!

The Northern Wilderness Alliance must be the supreme force of the Northern Wilderness grassland!

"Have you never heard of the northern famine League?"

Lin Jing looks at Ye Li with some dullness. She thinks that in the northern grassland, everyone should have heard of the northern desert alliance?

"I'm not from the northern prairie." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Lin Jing heard the speech and understood it.

"Human beings!"

"You brought the mighty zombies?"

Suddenly, an extremely angry voice came into Ye Li's ears.

Ye Li followed the voice and found a third-order heavenly Saint level dark race appeared in his field of vision.

"Green yellow monster!"

Lin Jing on one side suddenly cried out.

Green yellow monster?

Ye Li thinks that the name is a bit interesting. He finds that the green yellow monster is green yellow, and looks very terrible.

"What to do?"

Lin Jing looked at Ye Li in a hurry.

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