Originally, Lin Jing thought that Ye Li was also like her. She was scared to death.

Can let her want to break the head also won't think of is that Ye Li's face did not have the slightest fluctuation, as if nothing had happened at all.

"What to do?"

Leaf from a smile, "is not a three-level Saint level dark race, what is worth making a fuss about."

Lin Jing smell speech can't help but be shocked, where did she think that Ye Li would say such a thing.

Ha ha ha ha!

What ye Li didn't expect was that the green yellow monster of the third rank heavenly Saint level burst out laughing, as if he had never heard such a funny joke before.

Ye Li also laughed and said to the green and yellow Monster:

"if you knew you were going to die soon, would you still be so happy?"

The third level heavenly Saint level green yellow monster hears the speech, the whole body can't help but be one shock!

"Man, you What are you talking about? "

In the eyes of the third heaven Saint level green yellow monster, Ye Li should not have said those words.

"Usually," Ye Li pondered for a few seconds, "I won't say it to a dead person twice."

Hearing this, the green and yellow monsters of the third level heaven Saint level could not help getting more angry!

"It seems that you are looking for death!"

With the sound falling, the green and yellow monster of the third heaven Saint level rushed towards Ye Li.

When Lin Jing saw that the third level heavenly Saint level green yellow monster made a move, her white face couldn't help but turn pale.

Can let her in any case also can not think of is, leaf from the face or there is no fluctuation.

I saw that the speed of the third level heavenly Saint level green and yellow monster was extremely fast, but in an instant, he arrived in front of Ye Li's body!

The green and yellow monster of the third level heaven Saint hit Ye Li heavily.


Ye Li did not make any dodge!

Seeing that Ye Li is not ready to dodge, the third level heavenly Saint level green yellow monster shakes his head for a while. Originally, he thought that Ye Li's arrogance has certain combat power, but now it seems that he is not only wrong, but also completely wrong!

Lin Jing was also shocked.

She didn't understand why Ye Li didn't hide?

Are you scared to avoid it?


There is no doubt that the fist of the third-order heavenly Saint green yellow monster hit Ye Li's body heavily!

In the eyes of the third level heaven Saint level green yellow monster, Ye Li has no chance to live.

But let him want to break his head also won't think of is, unexpectedly appeared such a scene.

I saw that when the green yellow monster of the third level heavenly Saint hit Ye Li's body with a heavy blow, his life did not disappear, and he did not even step back.

This, this, this

The third level heavenly Saint level green yellow monster can't help but be shocked. Where can you say a complete sentence.

Lin Jing in the side is also silly.

You know, this green and yellow monster is a third-order heavenly Saint level dark race!

Suffered the third level heaven Saint level dark race's attack, actually did not have a thing?

Lin Jing only thinks that she must be wrong.

"Man, your defense..."

The third level heavenly Saint level green yellow monster looks at Ye Li with consternation.

Ye Limian's face did not fluctuate. He spoke slowly to the third level heavenly Saint level green yellow Monster:

"are you surprised?"

The third level heavenly Saint level green yellow monster is more than surprised, it is simply beyond the limit of surprise.

"I think you should know that there are only dead people in the world who won't be surprised."

Ye Li continued.

Hearing this, the green yellow monster of the third rank heavenly Saint rushed up the heavenly cover from his tail vertebrae.

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