Sanshengzong advocates that Zhenghe and the elders are stunned. He doesn't understand why the sanshengzong disciple's face should show such a frightened look.

"What's the matter?"

Sansheng zongzongzong advocated to ask questions.

Hearing this, the disciple of sanshengzong swallowed his saliva and said to the master in horror:

"Lord, we found a large number of zombies and dark races going to Sansheng sect."


Sansheng zongzongzong advocated Zhenghe elders. Hearing this, they could not help but take a cold breath and were greatly shocked.

In any case, they would not have thought that the sanshengzong disciple would have said such a thing.

"You What do you say

"A large number of zombies and dark races are coming to Sansheng sect!"

The sanshengzong disciple said again.

Sanshengzong advocated that Zhenghe elders could not help but look at each other. They could not return to God for a long time.

Because ye Li had told them before, but they didn't believe it.

Now it's true!

"Look, master..."

Sansheng zongzongzong advocated that Ye Li should be looked at in a hurry.

"Ha ha."

Ye Li said with a smile, "it's zombies and dark races, what can be scared of."


Sansheng zongzongzong advocated that Zhenghe elders were stunned when they heard the words. Naturally, they did not expect Ye Lihui to say such words.

Isn't it zombies and the dark race?

This is zombies and the dark race!

"Master, do you mean you will help us sanshengzong?"

Sansheng zongzongzong is looking at Ye Li with consternation.

"What do you say?"

Leaves from the face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of play ignorance color.

"Sansheng zongzongzong advocates righteousness and naturally does not understand Ye Li's meaning.

He also wanted to say something, but ye Li walked out of the hall slowly.

Sansheng zongzong advocated that he and the elders could not help but look at each other.

"Lord, what to do?"

When ye Li walked out of the hall, an elder asked for the advice of Sansheng zongzongzong.

"Now we have to fight zombies, the dark race."

Sansheng zongzongzong advocated the theory of Zheng Shen Sheng.

He thought that even if ye Li could not help them, they would have to fight the zombies and the dark race.

Then, Sansheng zongzongzong advocated Zhenghe and the elders walked out of the hall.

On the square outside the hall, all the disciples of Sansheng sect have gathered.

They are all waiting for the Lord's order.

"Sons of Sansheng sect, this time zombies and dark races are going to attack us. We can only fight against zombies and dark races!"

"Are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!"

On the square, all the disciples of Sansheng sect all spoke with one voice.

"Well, let's go!"

Sansheng zongzongzong advocated being cold and cold.

Then, all the people of sanshengzong walked out of Sansheng sect!

They arrived at the foot of sanshengzong's mountain.

Let Sansheng zongzongzong advocate Zhenghe. What the elders didn't expect is that Ye Li is still there.

They thought Ye Li had left, but now it seems that they are not only wrong, but also more wrong.

"Master, you You haven't left yet? "

Sansheng zongzongzong is looking at Ye Li with consternation.

"What?" Leaf from indifferent smile, "do you really want me to leave?"

Sansheng zongzongzong insisted that Ye Li should not leave. He replied in a hurry:

"master, how could I want you to leave."

Ye Li didn't say much. He was waiting for the zombie and the dark race to arrive.

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