"Zombies and the dark race are coming!"

Not just who, a cry.

All the people in sanshengzong looked at it in unison.

The zombies and the dark races are all over the place.

All of them were pale.

It's just because there are so many zombies and dark races that they've never seen before.

Sansheng zongzongzong claimed that he and the elders looked at Ye Li in a hurry. What they didn't expect was that Ye Li's face had no fluctuation as if he had not seen anything at all.

"Master, so many zombies and dark races..."

Sansheng zongzongzong's assertion of justice has not been finished, but the meaning of the following is self-evident.

"There is nothing to be afraid of, not zombies and dark races."

Ye Li said faintly.

Sansheng zongzongzong advocated that he was shocked and thought how terrible the elder must be. So many zombies and dark races are not afraid!

See, countless zombies and dark race appeared in front of Ye Li.

"Humans, are you going to kill yourself, or are we going to do it?"

A fourth level heavenly Saint dark race spoke coldly.

"The tenth devil general?"

The master of Sansheng sect and all the elders were extremely shocked.

Of course, they didn't expect that the team leader would be the 10th devil general!

Ye Li ignored the tenth Magic general, but released the last legion from the system space.

The twelve heavenly holy zombies of the last legion appear beside Ye Li.


The last legion called respectfully to Ye Li.


The master of Sansheng sect and all the elders looked at the last legion, and all of them couldn't help being stunned.

Of course, they didn't expect that the Last Legion would suddenly appear.


How do they feel, the eschatological Legion is not human?

After carefully feeling the breath coming from the whole body of the last legion, he could not help but be shocked.

Only because they found out that the last legions were zombies!


Sansheng zongzongzongzong advocated that ZHENGJING should be heard out.

As soon as this word came out, all the people of Sansheng sect were shocked, and their faces were all shocked.

What they don't think of is that Ye Li has a zombie?

"Go ahead, take those zombies to one side and synthesize them."

Ye Li spoke slowly to the last legion.

When the last legion heard the words, they all ejected!

Suddenly, the zombies brought by the tenth demon were all taken away by the last legion.

"What's going on here?"

The tenth demon will be stunned.

The dark race behind the tenth demon was shocked. They would never have thought of such a scene.

"Man, did you do it?"

Suddenly, the tenth devil will speak to Ye Li lenglengleng.

Leaf from the face of nature is no fluctuation, he indifferent smile.

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

The tenth devil can't help but be extremely angry, his head is already out of thousands of feet of anger!

"Human, you want to die!"

"If you think I'm looking for death, what are you waiting for?"

The tenth demon will no longer be able to resist Ye Li's arrogance. He yells at the dark race behind him:

"kill me!"

With the command of the tenth demon general, all the dark races rushed towards Ye Li.

Sanshengzong people saw that the dark race had made a move, and their faces were all extremely shocked.

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