All the four families all look at Ye Li in horror.

"Younger generation, do you really want to force us to fail?"

A middle-aged man looks at Ye Li.

"Force you?" Leaves from a smile, "and how?"

He didn't want to have too much dialogue with this group of wastes. He took the Taigu Longyuan sword and cut it out.

When the four families saw such a terrible attack, their pupils couldn't help shrinking.

Until now, they finally realized that Ye Li was so terrible.

Ah, ah, ah!

All the four families made a scream of astonishment.

With the fall of the scream, the lives of the four families disappeared from the world forever.

Quiet, the needle can be heard.

All the onlookers were dumbfounded. Their eyes were opened for the largest time in history. Their mouths were open enough to swallow an oversized bowl. In short, they were shocked as much as they wanted.

But ye Li's face still did not have any fluctuation, he put the Taigu Longyuan sword into the system space.

"It's not interesting here. Let's go."

She spoke slowly to Lin Jing.

Lin Jing smell speech nodded, and leaves left Tianhe base city, leaving onlookers a face of consternation in situ.


Zombie city.

Ye Li and Lin Jing arrive at zombie dragon city.

He knew that the number of zombies in zombie dragon city was too large.

Then, Ye Li and Lin Jing walked into the zombie dragon city.

Just arrived at zombie Dragon City, thousands of zombies rushed over.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ye Li directly knocked down thousands of zombies on the ground.

Then, he opened the composition grid in his mind and synthesized the thousands of zombies.

The appearance of this scene made Lin Jing petrified in place.

She only knew that the last legion can synthesize zombies, but she never thought that Ye Li could also synthesize zombies.

Immediately, Ye Li let the composite zombie lead other zombies.

He found a stone and sat down. Then he took out a box of food and began to eat and drink.


Suddenly, Lin Jing's stomach is called up, she looked at Ye Li eating food, can't help swallowing saliva.

Ye Li smiles to himself, thinking that women are more or less greedy.

"Since you are hungry, come and eat together."

He spoke slowly.

When Lin Jing hears the speech, she can't help being surprised.

"Yes, master!"

Immediately, Lin Jing went to Ye Li's side and began to eat and drink with Ye Li.

After eating.

The zombies synthesized by Ye Li Gang also attracted tens of thousands of zombies.

There is no doubt that Ye Li again synthesized tens of thousands of zombies, and he let them continue to lead them.

A month later, the zombies in zombie dragon city were finally combined by him and the last legion.

"Congratulations to the host for becoming the Ninth level heavenly Saint level gene warrior."

Suddenly, the sound of the system appeared in his mind.

Ye Li is secretly happy, thinking that he has finally made a breakthrough.

The last legion has also been upgraded from level 7 to level 8.

In other words, Ye Li's strength has gone up to a higher level.

This month, Lin Jing has been staying by Ye Li's side. She has seen with her own eyes how Ye Li and the last legion synthesize the zombies in the zombie dragon city.

"Master, you are so terrible."

Lin Jing said to Ye Li.

Ye Li smiles. He looks at the sun in the sky and says slowly:

"it's OK. It's not too terrible."

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