"Where are we going now, master?"

Lin Jing looks at Ye Li curiously.

"Keep looking for zombies."

Ye Li is far from enough to think about his own strength.

He has to continue to synthesize zombies, continue to upgrade!

Lin Jing smell speech, white face appeared a touch of incomparable surprise color.

"Good, master!"

The northern grassland is too big. Lin Jing of course doesn't know how many zombies there are.

Finally, they came to the east of the northern grassland!

Just to the East.

I met a group of people.

This group of people wearing red robes, looking very strange, there are two big characters on the red robe, Honglian.


Ye Li smiles to himself, thinking that he has not met a cult person for a long time.

A dozen men naturally saw Ye Li and Lin Jing, and they all sneered.

"Why are you here?"

The king level gene warrior of the first and seventh terraces stares at Ye Li and Lin Jing.

Leaf from indifferent smile, "there is no reason, just want to come."

The king level gene warrior of the seventh terrace was stunned. Naturally, he did not expect that Ye Li would dare to speak to him like this.

"Do you know who we are?"

"I don't know."

Ye Li shook his head.

Ha ha!

The king level gene warrior of the seventh terrace sneered, "we are the people of Honglian sect!"

In the eyes of the seven terraces King level gene warrior, Ye Li will be scared out of her wits after knowing that they are the people of Honglian sect.

But what they would never think of is that Ye Li's face is as calm as water.

"Are you not afraid of our Honglian religion?"

"Not afraid."

Ye Li shook his head again.

Hearing this, the king level gene warrior of the seventh terrace got very angry.

"Human beings, it seems that you are looking for death!"

The voice falls, the seven terraces King level gene warrior one punch toward the leaf to leave to hit.

A dozen men behind the king level gene warrior of the seventh terrace all gave a cold smile because they all knew that Ye Li was already a corpse, and there was no possibility of his life.

I saw that the fist of the king level gene warrior of the seventh terrace was just in front of Ye Li.

After more than a dozen men of Honglian religion thought that Ye Li's life would disappear from the world, Ye Li suddenly disappeared in the same place, leaving only a shadow.


All the people present were stunned.

In any case, I didn't expect that Ye Li would disappear suddenly.

This, this, this

Seven terraces King level gene warrior and more than a dozen good honglianjiao men are all shocked, quickly looking for Ye Li's figure.

But no matter what you look for, you can't find where Ye Li is.

"I'm here."

Suddenly, Ye Li's voice appeared in their ears.

They looked at it in a hurry.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. All of you are shocked.

The reason is that Yeli has already appeared on the top of the head of the king level gene warrior in the seventh terrace.


The king gene warrior in the seventh terrace took a breath.

However, Ye Li has already attacked the king level gene warrior of the seventh terrace, and the speed is like lightning.

At such a terrible speed, the king level gene warrior of the seventh terrace could never escape.


Just listen, the king level gene warrior of the seventh terrace made a scream of astonishment.

His whole body had been divided into two parts, and his death was terrible.

More than a dozen men of Honglian religion looked at such a scene, all of them were like thunder!

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