More than a dozen young girls came to Ye Li and Lin Jing.

"Who are you, please?"

A girl looks at Ye Li and Lin Jing.

The girl's name is Huang Qing, and she is a gene warrior of King level realm in three terraces.

Leaves do not want to pay attention to and Huang Qing, Lin Jing ready to say his name, see Ye Li did not say, she simply did not say.

Huang Qing and other young girls see that Ye Li and Lin Jing don't pay any attention to them. They can't help but frown and get very upset.

Their temperament is extraordinary, it is obvious that they are the children of a large family.

At this time Ye Li and Lin Jing ignore them. Of course, they are not happy.

"Do you know who we are?"

Suddenly, a teenager stares at Ye Li and Lin Jing.

The boy's name was Shi Biao. He was a king level gene warrior.

Ye Li originally did not want to pay attention to these mole ants, but the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not only ah.

"I don't want to know who you are. Get out of here."

Ye Li said faintly to a dozen young girls in front of her.

More than a dozen young girls were stunned when they heard the speech. Naturally, they didn't expect Ye Li to say such words.

"What do you mean?"

Shi Biao opened his mouth to the cold leaves.

Ye Li shook his head secretly. He didn't understand why no one was willing to listen when he spoke.

"Apologize! Otherwise... " Shi Biao looked at Ye Li, "don't blame us for being rude!"

Listening to Shi Biao's words, ye couldn't help laughing, because he felt that Shi Biao's words were too funny.

Shi Biao saw Ye Li and even laughed. He couldn't help looking cold! He did not expect Ye Li to be able to laugh.

"What are you laughing at?"

Shi Biao stares at Ye Li.

"Guess if I'll answer you?"

"I guess you will!"

Shi Biao opened his mouth coldly.

"Oh?" Leaves from the face crown such as jade's face appeared a touch of play ignorance color, "I would like to hear."

See, Shi Biao coldly smile, "because you don't answer our words, your end will be very miserable!"

"Is it?"

Ye Li calmly said, "by what? You're such a trash? "


Hearing this, Shi Biao couldn't help but burst out of anger over his head!

"Looking for death!"

The sound falls, the stone Biao to leaf leaves from a punch to hit out.

More than a dozen young girls are not cold looking at Ye Li, in their view, Ye Li is really deserved.

They have never even heard of such arrogant people before.

I see, Shi Biao's speed is very fast, a punch immediately to Ye Li's body.

To his surprise, Ye Li did not make any resistance.


There is no doubt that Shi Biao's fist hit Ye Li's body heavily.

More than a dozen young girls know that Ye Li will fly backward and be seriously injured.

But what they didn't think of in any case was that this was going to happen next!

I see, Shi Biao a punch heavy hit on the body of Ye Li, but ye Li did not step back.


The appearance of this scene shocked all the people present.

They quickly rubbed their eyes, only because they thought they must be wrong.

But no matter how they rub their eyes, the result is the same.

Leaves from, still did not retreat half step!

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