How is that possible?

Shi Biao and all the young girls were shocked.

A punch, actually did not let Ye Li step back?

"You How could you not have stepped back? "

Shi Biao looked at Ye Li in horror and said.

Ye Li's face naturally did not have any fluctuation. He said faintly:

"how can a waste like you know my defense?"

This word a, Shi Biao can't help but regress a few steps, full of panic.

"Well, I'm not interested in you punks."

Sound down, Ye Li released the last legion from the system space.

When a dozen young girls saw the sudden arrival of the eschatological legion, they were all stupefied. Of course, they did not expect that the eschatological army would suddenly appear.


They're swallowing because they don't feel like humans?

The breath of the last legion from all over the body made them feel a little surprised.

This is Zombies?!

Suddenly, more than a dozen young girls thought of this amazing possibility, and could not help but panic.

Their eyes are wide open, suffocating looking at the leaves, for a long time can not say a complete word.

Ye Li naturally doesn't want to pay attention to them.

He sent the Last Legion to the zombie gathering place to synthesize zombies.

With Ye Li's command, the last legion all left.

"Master, are those zombies?"

Huang Qing looked at Ye Li in astonishment and asked.

"What do you say?"

Ye Li asked.

Huang Qing was shocked, "master, why can you control the zombie?"

Lin Jing in the side of a smile, "the elder's terror is not you can imagine."

More than a dozen young girls looked at each other, unable to speak for a long time.

Then, leaf leaves from slowly toward the body in front of the zombie gathering place to walk.

Lin Jing naturally followed.

A dozen young girls looked at each other, and they followed.

Before long, the party all went to the zombie gathering place.

"Oh! Oops

Ye Li and his party had just arrived at the zombie gathering place, and hundreds of zombies attacked them.

Although a dozen of young girls were gifted at the level of Diwang, they had never seen a zombie. When they saw these many zombies rushing towards them, their faces all showed a look of panic.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

When more than a dozen young girls were frightened, the sound of countless broken wind appeared in their ears.

Then they heard the screams of the zombies.


More than a dozen young girls stare, but they find that hundreds of zombies have fallen to the ground.

They were stunned.

Just because they didn't see how Ye Li made his move, so many zombies fell to the ground and lost their combat effectiveness?

Ye Li naturally noticed the shocked expression on the faces of more than a dozen young girls. Instead of paying attention to them, he opened the synthetic grid in his mind and synthesized the hundreds of zombies.

In How is that possible?

More than a dozen young girls saw hundreds of zombies turned into a zombie, and they couldn't help being stuck in the same place like a clay sculpture, unable to recover for a long time.

They just feel that they must have seen something that will never happen.

Lin Jing doesn't know how many times Ye Li has seen a zombie. Of course, there won't be any fluctuation on her white face.

Before long, the last legion came to Ye Li's side again.

"Master, the zombies inside have been synthesized by us."

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