Listen to a big words, leaf from nod.

Then he put the eschatological Legion into system space.

More than a dozen young girls were surprised. Naturally, they did not expect that the eschatological Legion would suddenly disappear.

"Master, how did they disappear?"

Huang Qing looks at Ye Li in amazement.

"Who knows?"

Ye Li smiles indifferently.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen young girls remembered what ADA had said.

ADA said that they had synthesized all the zombies inside.


A dozen young girls suddenly thought of a surprising possibility.

That is, there are no more zombies in this zombie gathering place.

But how could that be possible?

As far as they know, there are many zombies in this zombie gathering area.

"Drop by drop!"

Suddenly, the communication meter on Huang Qing's wrist made a noise.

Huang Qing pressed a button, a panic voice was introduced into Huang Qing's ears.

"Miss, you are coming back soon. The dark race and zombies are attacking the city of dimen base!"


Hearing this, more than a dozen young girls were frightened.

Dark races and zombies have attacked the city of dimun base?

Ye Li and Lin Jing naturally heard such a sound, and a wonderful color appeared on Ye Li's face like jade.


He just needs zombies right now.

"Master, you Can you help us? "

Suddenly, Huang Qing looked at Ye Li, and a deep begging color appeared on her white face.

More than a dozen young girls also look at Ye Li, because only Ye Li can help them.

Ye Li pondered for a few seconds. Then he looked at the sun in the sky and spoke slowly:


More than a dozen young girls see Ye Li agreed to come down, their faces have a touch of incomparable surprise color.

After that, they quickly walked toward the city of dimen base.

Dimen base city.

The dark race and zombies are frantically attacking the city of dimun base, which is crumbling.

But the gene warriors and the army of the city of dimen fought hard!

Finally, the dark races and Zombies retreat.

The gene warriors and the army of the city know that this is only the first attack of the dark race and zombies. It is not easy to take over the city.

Ye Li and his party arrived at the city wall outside the city gate base.

It was a terrible sight to find bodies of dark races and Zombies underneath.

However, the dark races and zombies are retreating, which is really good news for them.

Of course, this is bad news for Ye Li.

More than a dozen young girls are the children of the big family in the city gate base. The gene warriors and the army on the outer city wall quickly opened the gate and released them!

In this way, Ye Li and Lin Jing entered the city of dimen base.

"Master, go to my family?"

Huang Qing looks at Ye Li and Lin Jing tentatively.

Ye Li thought for a few seconds and then nodded.

Huang Qing saw Ye Li agreed, she took Ye Li and Lin Jing to her family.

Before long, Ye Li and Lin Jing arrived outside Huang's house.

The Huang family is the most powerful family in dimen base city.

"Miss, you're back."

Several children of the Huang family said hello to Huang Qing.

Huang Qing nodded.

After they entered the Huang family, a first-order King gene warrior came up.

"Miss, you are back. The owner of the house is angry."

First order King gene warrior said to Huang Qing.

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