These dozens of wolves were infected by zombie virus. Their eyes were green and their tusks were cold. They looked terrible.

At this time, dozens of wolves surrounded Ye Li and Luoli.

The wolf also dare to appear beside Ye Wuli, who is really like a wolf.

Luo Li's small face was terrified. She was only five or six years old, where she had experienced any battle.


All of a sudden, these dozens of wolves toward Ye Li and Luo Li.


Luo Li screamed with fright, and she closed her eyes in a hurry.

Why do you need Ye Li's hand? These 6-level wolves are too weak to be described by mole ants, but dust.

A big punch, white doll a foot.

These dozens of wolves disappeared in a moment, not even their bodies.

Luo Li heard the movement, she carefully opened her eyes, found dozens of wolves have disappeared, small face is very surprised, but she did not dare to ask, for fear of causing Ye Li's displeasure.

"Do you wonder?" Ye Li looks at Luoli faintly.

"I..." Before Luo Li finished, he was interrupted by Ye Li.

"Never wonder, because everything I do will make you wonder for three days and three nights." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Luo Li looks at Ye Li's pale face. She suddenly feels that Ye Li is not a dark race, but the God of war in the nine days.

Even if she was only six years old, she was attracted by Ye Li.

"You don't want revenge and save your sister?" Ye Li looks at Luoli faintly.

After hearing the speech, Luo Li came back to her senses. She looked at Ye Li in horror and said, "I want to Think about it

"So you're not leading the way?" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

"Good master." Luo Li quickly replied.

That is, leaves from will take Luoli toward a direction.


Wilderness, a castle.

The castle is not big and ugly in appearance.

In the hall, a middle-aged man was sitting on the throne, playing with his fingers leisurely.

"Luoyue, your sister should be here soon." The middle-aged man said lightly.

In front of the middle-aged man, there is a woman in her twenties. She is wearing a gray casual dress with long hair and waist, but her face is as delicate as jade.

The woman is Luo Li's elder sister, Luo Yue, who stares at the middle-aged man coldly. One day, she and the middle-aged man on the throne hate each other.

Just because the middle-aged man killed her father.

Originally, the leader of the fire was her father, but it was because the ambitious man in front of him killed her father and took the position of the leader of the fire.

The middle-aged man's name is Han Hai, the leader of the fire organization, and the fifth level evolutor. This small castle is the headquarters of the fire organization.

Han Hai saw that Luo Yue didn't speak. He said with a light smile, "yue'er, why do you suffer? Your father is old, but he is determined to pass on the position of leader of fire to you. You are only a second-order evolutor, how can you take this responsibility?"

"I asked your father to explain the reason, and he thought that I wanted to take the position of the leader of the fire and wanted to kill me. I had no choice but to fight back."

Hearing this, Luo Yue's face became colder.

She knew she couldn't get angry now, because lil was still in their hands, so she had to stare at Han Hai.

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