"Master, the fire base is ahead." Luo Li pointed to a place and said.

Ye Li followed the direction of Luo Li's fingers and found a castle not far away. It was said that it was a castle, but it was much worse than the real castle.

"Let's go." Ye Li said slowly.

Luo Li was stunned. Although she knew that Ye Li was very fierce, she would face the whole fire if she walked past like this.

She calculated, plus his words, they are only seven people, and there are hundreds of Yanhuo, and all of them are gene warriors.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat four hands, and a hero can't hold a pack of wolves.

Luo Li thinks that the gap in the number of people is so big that even if the elder is a dark race, he can't beat it. Why should the elder go directly?

"Master, the strongest one in the fire is Han Hai, a fifth order evolutor." Luo Li felt it necessary to remind his predecessors.

Luoli has never been out of the Yanhuo base before. Where do you know that a DA is a seven level zombie.

Ye Li shakes his head secretly after hearing the speech. He is really a poor little organization. He is really weak.

He thought that fortunately, Luo Li reminded him that he had to put the swordsman ah Qi into the system space, or it would be bad to hurt him by mistake. After all, the swordsman ah Qi is only a first-order evolutor.

Immediately, Ye Li put the swordsman ah Qi into the system space.

Luo Li is surprised. She clearly remembers that elder brother ah Qi was still around. How could she suddenly disappear?

"Master, where is brother ah Qi?" Luo Li asked in a hurry.

Ye Li thinks about this girl's problems really much.

"Don't ask so many questions. Let's go."

The sound falls, the leaf leaves walks slowly toward the castle. Luo Li quickly followed up.


"Yue'er, you should know that I always like you, and I have to kill your father. Why don't you pay attention to me?" Han Hai looks at Luo Yue.

Luo Yue clenched her fist tightly, and her fingernails did not enter her skin and felt no pain.

She knows, can only endure now!!!

"By the way, Yueer, when lil comes back, we will get married. After all, I have always liked you, and you have always loved me." Han Hai's face smiles with pride.

Luo Yue is suddenly confused. She is only a second-order evolutor, and Han Hai is a fifth order evolutor. The gap between them is very different.

Can she really get revenge?


As the saying goes, the feud of killing my father is not the same!

Luo Yue knows that she must kill Han Hai, no matter what the cost.


Ye Li took the last legion and Luoli to the gate of the fire base.

In front of the gate, there are more than a dozen first-order evolution guards, all wearing red robes and red scarves.

"Miss Luoli, you are back." A first-order evolutor said to Luoli.

"Yes Yes Luo Li was afraid.

The first-order evolutor was stunned, thinking that Luoli should not be caught back, and why did none of the people who went out to catch Luoli come back?


There are still a few I don't know

When this first-order evolutor looked at the eschatological Legion next to Ye Li, he did not even dare to think about it.

The eyes of these four zombies Is it red?

The red zombie seems to be the seventh order zombie!

Thinking of this, the first-order evolutor stepped back a few steps, and he opened his eyes and cried out, "level seven zombies! Four seven level zombies

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