Lu Xue comes to Ye Li's side.

"How about it?"

Ye Li looks at Lu Xue.

"No more."

Lu Xue shook her head. Her white face was still shocked.

Ye Li smiles to himself. He thinks that Lu Xue will show such an expression, which is too normal.

After all, who would have thought that a gathering place with many zombies suddenly disappeared.

"Let's go to the next zombie gathering place."

Ye Li knows that Lu Xue can never only know a zombie gathering place.

Lu Xue had to take ye to the next zombie gathering place.

Before long, they arrived at the next zombie gathering place.

"Master, this is a big zombie gathering place."

Said to Lu Liye.

Ye Li's face did not have any fluctuation, since crossing to this world, he did not know how many zombies gathered.

Now Lu Xue tells him that the zombie gathering place is a large one?

Immediately, he released the eschatological Legion from system space again.

The twelve heavenly holy zombies of the last legion appear in front of Ye Li.

"Go and synthesize the zombies inside."

Leaves from the mouth slowly.

The last legions were all ejected.

"Let's go in, too."

Ye Li said to Lu Xue.

He thought that since it was a large zombie gathering place, he could synthesize more quickly when he went in.

Then, Ye Li and Lu Xue also walked toward the zombie gathering place in front of them.

As soon as they entered the zombie gathering place, hundreds of zombies rushed towards them.

"Oh! Oops

Looking at the hundreds of zombies, Lu Xue's white face appeared a look of horror.

This is a zombie!

She quickly looked at Ye Li, but found that Ye Li's face did not have any fluctuation, as if nothing had been seen.

See, hundreds of zombies to Ye Li's body.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

What can let Lu Xue never think of is that the sound of breaking wind is missing and constantly appearing.

With the sound of the wind breaking, hundreds of zombies fell to the ground.

All of these zombies had a blood hole in their legs.

It has lost its combat effectiveness.

Ye Li opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and synthesized hundreds of zombies.

This, this, this

Lu Xue's pupils shrank rapidly, as if to see a scene that would never happen in the world.

Where's the zombie?

One second, there are hundreds of zombies on the ground, but not the next?

How could this be possible?!

In Lu Xue's opinion, this is impossible to happen.

Ye Li's face naturally does not have any fluctuation, he also will not explain with Lu Xue what.

It can be explained, but it's not necessary.

Immediately, leaves from continues to walk toward the front.

When Lu Xue came back to her senses, ye had gone out more than ten steps away, and she quickly followed up.

"Master!" Lu Xue suddenly exclaimed, "many zombies!"

Lu Xue looks at a ground and sees thousands of zombies rushing over.

These zombies are like people who have been starving for ten days and nights, and their speed has reached the fastest rate in history.

Lu Xue hurriedly to the leaves behind.

These are thousands of zombies!

Can let her want to break the head also won't think of is, the next is a scene like this.

I saw, leaves from suddenly disappeared in place.

What remains in her pupil is just a shadow!

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