Lu Xue was shocked.

She naturally did not expect that Ye Li would suddenly disappear.

She quickly looked for Ye Li's figure, but he found that even if his eyes were blind, it was impossible to find where Ye Li was.

Ah, ah, ah!

But what Lu Xue can think about for ten days and ten nights is that her ears are constantly ringing with the screams of zombies.

She fixed her eyes on it!

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

Because thousands of zombies have fallen to the ground.

All of them had an amazing blood hole in their legs.

Similarly, Ye Li once again opened the synthetic lattice in his mind and synthesized these zombies.

What what?!

Lu Xue gaped at such a scene.

She looked at Ye Li, but found that Ye Li's face still had no fluctuation, just like letting thousands of zombies disappear, just doing a trivial thing.

Lu Xue dares to swear, she absolutely dares to swear!

She saw the most terrifying gene warrior in the world.

"Master, you are so strong!"

Said to Lu Liye.

This is not her respect for Ye Li, but from the heart of the sigh.

Ye Li smiles.

He didn't expect Lu Xue to say these words.

He had heard it many times since he had worn it in the world.

"Nothing strong, just average."

Leaves from the land snow slowly open.

Lu Xue was shocked at the speech.

She thought that her predecessors not only had unparalleled strength, but also were so modest. Such a person was really terrible.

A few days later.

The zombies in this large-scale zombie gathering place are compounded by Ye Li and the eschatological Legion.

However, the eschatological Legion is still a zombie of level 10, and has not been upgraded.

In this regard, Ye Li did not have any disappointment.

Only because he knew that the number of zombies needed to be synthesized by the eschatheon Legion to upgrade from level 10 was a huge number.

Ye Li put the last legion into the system space.

She looked at Lu Xue.

It is found that Lu Xue is frozen in place like a clay sculpture, as if he saw something that would never happen.

Leaf from indifferent smile, his face did not have any fluctuation.

"Are you shocked?"

He spoke slowly to Lu Xue.

Lu Xue hears the speech to return to God, she does not understand why leaves leave can say such words.

Of course she was shocked!

And he was not only shocked, but also shocked beyond measure.

But leaf from the next words, let Lu Xue more shocked.

Ye Li said to Lu Xue:

"never be shocked, because everything I do is enough to shock you for three days and three nights."

Lu Xue was petrified again, unable to return to his original state for a long time.

Leaf from see this shape, can't help but shake his head secretly.

He has told Lu Xue not to be shocked, but Lu Xue doesn't listen to him, and he has no way.

"By the way, tell me who you are."

Ye Li said to Lu Xue.

Let Ye Li is very did not think of is, after he said this sentence, Lu Xue white face is lonely.

Looking at the application on Lu Xue's face, Ye Li instantly knows.

Lu Xue is a man with a story.

"Ha ha!"

Suddenly, a bleak laugh was introduced into Ye Li's ear.

Ye Li is a little stunned. He looks at the past along the sound.

A dozen men appeared in front of him.

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