The human face spider is no more than the fourth level dark race. At this time, he was terrified to see such a force.

"Humans, you can control zombies!"

"No! You're not human, you're not a dark race, what are you! "

The spider screamed in horror. He felt it carefully and found that Ye Li's body had no human breath or dark race flavor at all. It was just the same shape as human beings.

Leaf leaves faint smile, "you are about to die, why know who I am and what?"

Yinluo, Ye Li looked at the swordsman ah Qi, "ah Qi, give it to you."

The swordsman ah Qi is now a sixth level zombie. Ye Li has not seen his battle yet.

After combining the swordsman ah Qi into the fifth level zombie in the Rocky Mountains, he gains a zombie skill, a life-threatening three ghost sword.

At this point, Ye Li then looked at the power of the three ghost sword.

The human face demon spider sees Ye Li and doesn't let go of his meaning. He stares at Ye Li, preparing to kill him with Ye Li.

"Children, give it to me!"

Yinluo, hundreds of first-order and second-order humanoid spiders around the fourth-order humanoid spiders all attack Ye.

The swordsman ah Qi takes a lunge in front of Ye Li's body. The attribute of his zombie is speed. The speed is naturally very fast.

The swordsman ah Qi pulled out his sword, and in an instant, a sound of sword sound sounded. His whole body was black and his hair was broken and his hair was shining cold.

When hundreds of human face evil spiders came over, the swordsman ah Qi Yi sword was cut off.


This sword looks like one sword, but in fact it is three swords. It looks like three swords, but in fact, there are countless swords.

This is the killing three ghost sword!

In an instant, countless sword shadows went towards hundreds of human face magic spiders. These human face magic spiders are only the first-order to the second-order dark race. How can they resist such attacks.

Hundreds of human face demon spiders are constantly chopped by the sword shadow, and the scene is once appalling.

The fourth level human face devil spider has been scared out of his wits. At this time, he has only one idea, that is, to escape from here.

The humanoid spider has a lot of feet, and usually runs in faster than the dark race of the same level.

It's a pity that even if he was given a thousand legs, he couldn't escape from the sword of ah Qi, the sixth level zombie swordsman.

The swordsman ah Qi is cut out with a sword, and the fourth level human face devil spider is split into two instantly.

Ye Li thinks that the ah Qi Na sword is different. It has a kind of zombie sword God's appearance.

Now the life-threatening three ghost sword is only a level D skill. If it reaches level s, its power will naturally be known if you don't want to use it.

It's really like a sword that can stretch for thirty thousand li. It's cold in nineteen states with one sword.


"Congratulations to the host for randomly obtaining a super treasure chest. Would you like to open it?"


"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the zombie skill upgrade potion x1."

Ye Li thinks he is just a thought, did not expect to come, this luck is no one.

After the zombie skill upgrade potion is integrated into the life-threatening serial three ghost sword, the lethal serial three ghost sword becomes a level C skill.

Immediately, leaves left the ruins of the city, back to the fire base.

After returning to the fire base, I saw the bright lights in the conference hall of Yanhuo base city, and Ye Li had some doubts, thinking that this was a meeting?

Ye Li walks towards the conference hall, and no one dares to stop him. It can be said that his status in the fire organization is better than that of Luoyue.

After entering the conference hall, the team leaders of Luoyue and Yanhuo are all A dignified face!

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