Luo Yue sees Ye Li coming in and quickly gets up to meet Ye Li.

"Master, according to reliable information, Lei Zhan's younger martial brother went to the Raytheon organization." Luo Yue said to Ye Li.

"Lei Zhan's younger brother?" Obviously, Ye Li doesn't know who Lei Zhan's younger brother is.

Luo Yue pondered for a while, and then said to Ye Li, "Lei Zhan's younger martial brother is Chen Yun. He was the disciple of the ghost hand who destroyed the sky a few months ago."

Chen Yun!!!

Ye Li thought about the name. If he remembered correctly, there was a Chen Yun in Annam base city.

Chen Yun's father is called Chen ba. After Ye Li killed Chen Ba, Chen Yun disappeared.

Is it possible that

Leaves from the face crown like jade face appeared a smile.

Is Chen Yun coming to the wilderness?

Or is it just the same name.

"Master, after Chen Yun came to the Raytheon organization, he took charge of the Raytheon organization. I think he might..."

Luo Yue's words have not yet spoken, they were interrupted by Ye Li.

"When soldiers come to block, water comes and earth covers them." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Voice down, leaves from the face of a lazy color, he turned away from the conference hall, back to his room.


"Master, Chen Yun has arrived with the people organized by Raytheon." Said Luo Yue.

He nodded his head out of the window and didn't move his face.

A teenager with Raytheon is standing outside the fire base.

And this boy!

Leaves from the corner of the mouth slightly up, face hook up a range.

The youth who brought the Thor organization to the fire was no one else. It was Chenyun, the Chenyun of Annam base city.

Originally, Chen Yun could concentrate on Cultivation and find revenge on him when he became strong. However, Ye Li met him in this wilderness area.

Should we say that Chen Yun's luck is bad or bad?

Ye Li walked out of the fire base slowly. At this time, the fire organization and the Raytheon organization had been confronted, and a war would break out at any time.

"How dare you, a small fire organization, kill my elder martial brother?" Chen Yun stares at Luo Yue and says coldly.

"Even if we kill thunder war, what should we do?"

Suddenly, a very free and easy voice appeared in people's ears.

The crowd hears speech to follow the voice to see come over!

We can see that the strength of the terrorist organization is not far from that of Raytheon.

As for Chen Yun, his eyes are opened for the biggest time in history. Looking at the young man walking slowly, he can't even believe that this scene is true.

"Ye Ye Li

Chen Yun's double fists are dead and dead, staring at Ye Li coldly.

"I haven't seen you for months. Have you ever had a dream?" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Chen Yun stares at Ye Li, and Ye Li kills his father. The hatred of killing his father is unforgettable.

"Ye Li, Ye Li, in recent months, I dream of killing you, but I didn't expect you to appear in front of me!"

"According to the Raytheon organization, a strong man came to the fire base, but I never thought it would be you, ha Ha ha. "

Chen Yun almost crazy general laugh up.

"What are you laughing at?" Ye Li said faintly.

"What am I laughing at?" Chen Yun stopped laughing.

"Ye Li, my master is a famous ghost hand who destroys the sky in the north of the wilderness, an eight step evolutor. What do you want to laugh at now?"

Chen Yun as big revenge is about to be revenged in general, the face complacent.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, "so you rely on the eight order evolution of the sky destroying ghost hand?"

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