Chen Yun smell speech a Zheng, he really can't think of Ye Li why dare to say such words.

"Ye Li, don't you know my master's terror?" Chen Yun stares at Ye Li.

"Does your master know the horror of Ye Li?" Ye Li smiles calmly.

Now that he has reached the third level of the archaic code of heaven and magic, he is naturally not afraid of the eighth order evolutors.

Silence, a long silence.

Time seems to be still, and no one dares to say a word at this time.

Chen Yun bit his teeth. "Ye Li, what else can you calm down? My master can kill you thousands of times in a moment."

The people of the fire organization and the Thor organization all held their breath. The name of "ghost hand" is very famous in the northern part of the wilderness. Just hearing this name can make people feel a burst of panic.

"By the way, Ye Li, don't you have some five level zombies? What about them? Are they dead? " Chen Yun continued.

Raytheon organized people to be surprised. There are several fifth level zombies. What does this mean?

Is it possible that

Is this a dark race?

"I want to correct you a little. They are my last legion." Ye Li said faintly.

The last army!!!

The name just sounds like a bully.

"Don't show off your pretentious appearance. My master will arrive soon. No matter what regiment you are, you will die."

"And you all die!"

Chen Yun coldly scanned the fire organization.

When the fire organization heard that Chen Yun's master was coming, they were all scared out of their wits.

"Ye Li, now that you hear that my master is coming soon, are you afraid?" Chen Yun is ecstatic looking at Ye Li.

"But don't be afraid, you will die soon." Chen Yun continued.

Chen Yun's words, the fire organization people scared not light, but ye Li's face is no fluctuation, amplification did not hear any words the same.

Chen Yun found that Ye Li's face did not fluctuate at all, and the blue veins on his forehead burst up.

"Ye Li, I must tear you to pieces, let you know what is the real pain!" Chen Yun angrily drinks out the sound.

The people of the fire organization all looked at each other. Chen Yun's master, the ghost hand of destroying the sky, was about to come. How could they not be afraid of it.

Leaf is a faint smile, face crown such as jade face is still calm like water, as if anything can not change the leaf from the face of calm.

"Chen Yun, do you know why my Ye Li didn't let my last army come out?" Ye Li is very playful, looking at Chen Yun.

Chen Yun a Zheng, dead mouth: "why?"

"Just because I think you're going to be scared out of your wits if you let the last legion come out." Ye Li said faintly.

Chen Yun some stay, he really did not expect Ye Li to dare to say such words.

He remembers that in Annam base a few months ago, his so-called eschatological Legion was just a fifth order zombie.

Although he is only a second-order evolutor, his master is an eighth order evolutor.

"Chen Yun, do you want to see my last legion of leaves?" Ye Li slowly opens his mouth to Chen Yun.

Chen Yun cold drink a, "Ye Li, you don't pretend that you are calm and self-contained, I Chenyun even if it is to see how?"

"You must see it? Well, since you want to see it, I will help you

Sound down, Ye Li released the last legion from the system space.

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