Ye Li didn't expect that he would make Meng Cangtian so happy with the Dragon slaughtering knife in his hand. He looked at Meng Cangtian lightly.

"Oh? How can you take my sword? "

Hearing this, Meng Cangtian laughed again, as if he had never been so happy since he was born.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"Ye Li, what do you think I can do? The Dragon slaughtering knife in your hand is my Meng Cangtian's right away!"

Hearing this, Ye Li couldn't help shaking his head secretly because he felt that Meng Cangtian was really ill.

"Ye Li, hand over the Dragon slaughtering knife obediently. I can also consider leaving you a whole body." Meng Cangtian looks at Ye Li triumphantly, as if in his eyes, the Dragon butcher knife is already his.

"Ha ha." Leaves from the face crown like jade face appeared a touch of light smile.

Seeing the smile on Ye Li's face, Meng Cangtian's look suddenly fierce cold, his face almost twisted up.

"Ye Li, what are you laughing at?" Meng Cangtian stares at Ye Li.

"What am I laughing at?" Ye Li's face is light.

"I'm just laughing at you as an ant, but I don't know the height of the earth." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Hearing this, Meng was furious.

"In that case, don't blame me!"

"Goodbye, Ye Li!"

The sound falls, the ghost hand clan gene warrior, the dark race and the zombie again besieged.

Ye Limian's face is covered with jade, and there is a range of evil spirits on his face. At the moment, the Dragon butcher's knife is in his hand. Whoever dares to come over is under the knife The dead!

I saw Ye Li erect the Dragon butcher's knife. Suddenly, he jumped ten meters high on his toes and held up the Dragon butcher's knife. The cold light on the Dragon butcher's knife was full of cold and evil spirit.

"Tai Gu Mo Wang chop!"

Sound down, knife down!

Three thousand gods and Demons flew out of the sky. In an instant, they felt the sun and the moon were shining and the earth was shaking.

The whole world, as if in the moment when the phantom of three thousand gods and Demons attacked, would be instantly quiet.


Then, there was a burst of explosion, and the blade of Tu Long kept spreading around, and there was no grass growing everywhere.

There are no words to describe the horror of the eight level evolutor, the third layer of the Archean code of heavenly demons, the beheading of the archaic demon king and the Dragon slaughtering sword.

Meng Cangtian and the three seven level evolutors of guishoumen have wide eyes. They are as rigid as clay sculpture.

Ziqiong dares to swear, she really dares to swear that she has only been so shocked in her life.

This is Is the devil Ye Li?

When the Dragon butcher's blade disappeared, all the gene warriors, dark races and zombies of guishoumen disappeared.

This deserted ruins of the city, at this time more like just experienced a major earthquake in general, this blow how terrible, do not want to know.

Meng Cangtian, the ghost hand of destroying the sky, and the three seven level evolutors are still frozen in place. Even if they die, they can't imagine such a situation.

Leaves from slowly fall on the ground, he looked at Meng Cangtian faintly, "now you still want my dragon butcher knife?"

Meng Cangtian listened to this, she came back to God, looked at Ye Li in horror, but did not know how to speak.

"Come here and let me kill you." Leaves from the mouth slowly.


Just listen to a pop sound, the three seventh order evolution of the ghost hand door knelt on the ground, their whole body was shaking.

"Lord devil, we have no eyes, we don't know good or bad, and Meng heaven forced us. Please let us go."

The three seven level evolutors of guishoumen began to kowtow and beg for mercy.

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