"Don't you think it's too late to ask for mercy now?" Ye Li said faintly.

The three seventh order evolutors were shocked at the speech. They had only one idea at this time, that is, to run for their lives.

Immediately, three seventh order evolutors began to flee back, the fastest speed in history.

Ye Li is slowly shaking his head. Do these three seven level evolutors want to escape from his hands?

Urge God to walk a hundred steps, and in an instant, they are behind the three seven level evolutors of guishoumen.

He set up the Dragon slaughtering sword and cut it out with one knife!


Three seven level evolutors were cut off in an instant. They didn't even know how to die.

"Ha ha, Ye Li, you didn't think of it!"

Meng Cangtian's voice suddenly appeared behind Ye Li.

Leaf from smell speech slowly return to body, he really don't know why Meng Cangtian still can smile out.

After returning to the body, it is found that Meng Cangtian has reached Ziqiong's body, and his hand has been buckled on Ziqiong's neck.

Meng Cangtian, after all, is an eight level evolutor, and the last legion is all seven level zombies, and the strength gap is still very large.

"Ye Li, now your woman is in my hand. As long as I twist my hand gently, your beloved woman will disappear forever." Meng Cangtian is very proud of looking at Ye Li.

Ye Li's face is as calm as water, and Meng Cangtian will take Ziqiong. He has already thought of it.

Ziqiong scared her face white, her eyes full of begging color, it is obvious that she did not want to die.

"Let her go." Ye Li said faintly to Meng Cangtian.

"Ye Li, do you think you still have the right to say such a thing to me? Hand over the Dragon butcher knife, or your beloved woman will die!" Meng Cangtian roared.

Leaf leaves from the face crown such as jade's face is not angry but smile, "only a pity, she is not my woman."

"What do you say?" Meng Cangtian spoke coldly.

"Don't you believe it?" Ye Li looks at Meng Cangtian.

When Meng Cangtian heard the speech, he hesitated for a few seconds.

"Ye Li, don't lie to me. Since you say she's not your woman, it doesn't matter if you kill her."

Meng Cangtian thinks that if the woman is released, he will surely die. Even if it is true that Ye Li said, he can pull a cushion before he dies.

Thinking of this, Meng Cangtian is ready to start.

"Wait a minute." Ye Li said.

When Meng Cangtian heard this, he licked his tongue. At this time, Ye Li spoke, which means that she must be Ye Li's woman.

In this way, he can trade Ye Li's woman for Dragon slaughtering sword. He is also an eighth order evolutor, but he is so far away from Ye Li.

He thought, this must be the reason for the Dragon butcher's knife.

"Ye Li, have you agreed to exchange?" Meng Cangtian stares at Ye Li.

"All right." Ye Li pondered for a few seconds.

Sound falls, leaves from slowly walk toward Meng Cangtian.

Just a few steps away from Meng Cangtian, Meng Cangtian calls Ye Li.

"Ye Li, just throw the Dragon butcher's knife here, and then I will return your beloved woman to you."

Meng Cangtian looks at the Dragon butcher's knife in Ye Li's hand. At the moment, his eyes are full of greedy color. In his opinion, the Dragon slaughtering knife is easily available.

Ye Li didn't even think about it, so he threw the Dragon butcher's knife in his hand. Meng Cangtian caught the Dragon butcher's knife and pushed Ziqiong over.

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