Ye Li smiles. He is just a small second-order evolutor. He dares to speak to him like this. I don't know what it means.

"It's a pity that I have to ask you to cook noodles for me now." Leaf from the light looking at the man said.

Since crossing into this parallel world, I have never eaten noodles again. Since there are noodles here, you may as well feel the flavor of home.

The man with a sharp mouth and a monkey's cheek was stunned when he heard the speech. He didn't expect Ye Li to say such a thing.

"Boy, this is my place. What if I don't cook it?" The man stares at Ye Li.

"Then let you eat all the dust on the table." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

The man was surprised, he looked up and down leaves, arrogant people he has seen, but such arrogant he is the first time to see.

This place is not a noodle shop!

He thought that this man came here, could it be What do you know?

At the thought of this, the pupil of the man shrinks rapidly.

"Boy, do you know anything?" The man looks at Ye Li.

Ye Li smiles to himself. He thought this place was just an ordinary noodle shop. Now it seems that there are secrets hidden.

"I don't know anything. I just want a bowl of noodles." Ye Li said leisurely.

However, the man patted the table fiercely, pointed to the head of Ye Li and drank coldly: "go! Leave now, or don't blame me for being rude

Ye Li looks at the man's finger, the man's finger is pointing to his head at the moment.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a slight amplitude was drawn.

"Pointing at the head of my leaf, do you deserve it?"

Sound falls, leaves from the pupil, a golden aura flies out.

This man is just a second-order evolutor, there is time to respond.


A pig like scream sounded, the man's fingers have been broken.

Ye Li once swore that he would not be pointed at his head again.

When he was a child, he ate with his mother. Because he had offended his mother by saying a wrong sentence, his mother pointed his head with two fingers and forced him to finish a pot of rice. Fortunately, his father ate it all for him.

Who knows more miserable!!!

Her mother also asked his grandmother to point his head with four fingers, forcing him to eat the remaining pot of rice yesterday.

Since then, he has vowed not to be pointed at his head again.

Through this parallel world, no one dares to point at his head yet. The man with sharp mouth and monkey gills is out of blood mould.

The man sent out a series of killing pig like screams, which made people's scalp numb.

Ye Li's face was as calm as water, as if he could not hear the man's scream.

"Eat the dust off this table, or you will die soon." Ye Li said faintly.

Hearing this, the man suddenly fell into an ice cave.

He had forgotten the pain and looked at Ye Li with horror. He even wanted to break his head, but he didn't expect Ye Li to be so terrible. If he had to do it again, he would not do so.

"You Do you know where this is? "

Ye Li slightly shook his head, "I don't want to know where this is. I just want you to eat up the ash of this table, don't let me say it for the third time."

Although the pain of the man is unbearable, where can he dare to scream, he knows that Ye Li is not saying an empty word.

If he doesn't eat all the ashes on this table, he will disappear from the world forever.

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