The man endured the pain and began to lick the dust on the table under his body.

I don't know how long this table hasn't been wiped. The dust is so thick that the man's face turns blue, red and purple.

Finally, the man ate up the ash on the table.

The man looks at Ye Li maliciously, this revenge does not repay non gentleman!

"Now, go and cook me noodles." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

Man smell speech almost cry, his finger just broke, almost did not ache to die in the past, now actually let him go to cook noodles?

"Don't you want to go?" Leaf from the light looking at the man said.

"Master, I'm really in pain. Please let me go." The man begged.

Ye Li is a light smile, "in fact, I have a way to let you not pain down."

"What can I do?" The man quickly asked.

Ye Li pondered for a few seconds, then looked at the man and said, "in this world, good people will hurt, bad people will also hurt, only the dead will not hurt."

As soon as this word comes out, the man immediately frightens the true soul out of the body.

"Master, I, I, I I'll cook the noodles for you The man said in a daze.

Before long, the man brought up the noodles.

Ye Li tasted it. It was the flavor of his hometown.

"Master, now that I have cooked the noodles for you, can you let me go?" The man looks at Ye Li carefully.

"Go ahead." Ye Li said quietly.

The man hears speech if get amnesty, hurriedly ran out, at that moment, the man's face will be cold down.

After eating noodles, Ye Li thinks that there are some secrets in this noodle shop, so he urges tianlingtong to check it.

To his surprise, in the cave on the left side of the noodle shop, there are hundreds of human beings, all of them ordinary people.

It is said that in the east of the North wilderness area, there is an organization to study a drug that can enhance human genes. Presumably these human beings are used to do experiments.

And the man Ye Li can think of it with his toes. He must have gone to rescue the soldiers.

In that case, he will wait here.

As expected, not long after, the second-order evolution of the sharp nosed monkey came in with more than a dozen gene warriors.

These gene warriors are all second-order evolutors, and at this time they surround the leaves.

"Boy, I didn't expect that I would fight back. Hey, you broke one of my fingers. Now I want you to pay back a hundred times!" The man said coldly.

Ye Li shook his head secretly. He really didn't understand why there are so many ants in this world.

"Do you really believe in your eyes?" Ye Li looked at the man lightly.

The man is stunned. Now they have more than a dozen second-order evolutors surrounding Ye Li. How can Ye Li say such words without side tone?

Shouldn't he be afraid now?

"Why don't we make a bet?" Ye Li continued.

The man bites his teeth. Although Ye Li is dead in his eyes, he also wants to see what kind of tricks Ye Li is playing.

"Boy, what kind of medicine are you selling in the gourd?" The man is facing the leaf leaves to drink coldly.

Leaf from a smile, "do you believe that I can within a second, can let you see their bodies?"

Hearing this, a dozen second-order evolutors were stunned and then all of them burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Boy, who do you think you are and let me see their bodies in a second?" The man's tone of disdain reached the extreme.

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