Ziqiong looks at Ye Li, her delicate jade face seems to have solidified.

After a moment, Ziqiong finally came to her senses.

"I, I, I We seem to have met somewhere Ziqiong's voice couldn't stop shaking.

"Only a year, you forget your Savior?" Ye Li said faintly.

Ling Fei is naturally listening to Ziqiong mention the devil leaf from the ruins of the city to save her things, she retreated to one side, do not want to disturb them.

"Master devil, you How did you come to Tianying base? "

After Ziqiong finished, her delicate face turned red, and her purple waist length hair made her look more lovely.

Ye Li didn't expect Ziqiong to have such identity, which is really interesting.

"Of course, I come because of something." Ye Li said slowly.

Ziqiong suddenly remembered the evil of the third uncle Tian. The second uncle and the third uncle went to the north of the wilderness to subdue various forces, and were defeated by the last legion of demon king Ye Li. Naturally, she knew.


This is the territory of Tianying base. Now the third uncle is seriously injured and unconscious. Isn't this for death?

One side is his third uncle, the other is his Savior.

For a moment, Ziqiong was at a loss.

"Master devil, you'd better leave. Now my father and uncle regard you as enemies. If you come here..."

Ziqiong's words did not speak, a thick voice was introduced into several people's ears.

"Lingfei, you're back."

Talking is a middle-aged man, the man dressed in a black suit, the face is not angry from Wei, face like pale gold.

Lingfei heard the speech and quickly replied, "yes, the second leader. We have successfully rescued hundreds of people who have been captured by the Zoroastrians."

The middle-aged man is no other than Jiang Feng, the second leader of Tianying organization and the eighth level evolutor.

Jiangfeng nodded, suddenly, he looked at the leaf from this side.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it. You're scared out of your wits!

"Ye Ye Li

Jiang Feng looks at Ye Li with great consternation. He only feels that he is wrong. How can Ye Li appear here?

But no matter how he blinks his eyes, Ye Li is still in front of his eyes, looking at him calmly.

"Ye Li, if it is you!"

"The zombie of your last legion has severely injured my third brother and made my third brother comatose. So far, we don't want to find you, but you have come to our door voluntarily." The river breeze coldly stares at the leaf leaves.

Ye Li did not speak, his face crown like jade face can not see the slightest fluctuation, as if the river wind as nothing in general.

"Come on, surround him for me. This son is the devil Ye Li!"

With the command of the river breeze, hundreds of gene warriors burst out in an instant. These gene warriors hold special laser guns in their hands, which are very powerful and much better than those of the same level.

"Go and tell me big brother and the elders." Jiang Feng said to a fifth order evolutor.

"Yes, two leaders!" The fifth order evolutor ran in and reported it.

Ling Fei naturally knows that it will be such a situation, until now she still does not understand, what is the purpose of Ye Lilai Tianying base.

Ziqiong looked at Ye Li to be surrounded. She was very anxious on her small face, but what could she do?

After all, the third uncle was injured by the iron foot zombie white doll of the last legion.

But I saw: the big leader of Tianying organization came out of the hall with ten elders.

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