The big leader of Tianying organization is named Zishan, the Ninth level evolutor.

The ten elders who follow the purple mountain are all seven level evolutors.

Such forces are much stronger than Annan base city and Huangjiang base city.

"Big brother, he is Ye Li!" The river breeze stares at Ye Li to say.

Zishan smell speech look a cold, he looked at Ye Li, "you are the devil leaf from?"

"Exactly." Leaves from nodded, face crown such as jade face can not see the slightest fluctuation.

Zishan looked at Ye Li's indifferent expression. He gave a cold smile, "demon Ye Li, I admire your courage. In the face of so many of us, there is no fluctuation on your face."

Ye Li is a faint smile, "it is said that the three leaders of the Tianying organization have been seriously injured and are in a coma now. I don't want to come and have a look at it. Can I use this to start a movement?"

As soon as the words came out, people were furious.

The reason why the three leader Tian He was seriously injured and unconscious was not the iron foot zombie in the last legion of Ye Li?

Now you Ye Li dare to say such a thing?

"The upright son is arrogant!" Purple Mountain roared.

Zishan is a nine order evolutor and Ye Li is an eighth order evolutor. There is a general gap between them.

However, ye Lilai Tianying base is not ready for a war, if it is not close to talk, the big deal is over.

The gap between the eighth and ninth order evolutors is too big, and the gap of each level of high-level evolution is unimaginable.

However, Ye Li is absolutely sure that he can escape. After all, his S-level God is not built to walk a hundred steps.

"Ye Li, don't you know you're going to die soon?"

Purple Mountain coldly stares at Ye Li, he really doesn't understand why Ye Li can be so indifferent.

"Dad Suddenly, violet mountain called. Without waiting for Zishan to respond, Ziqiong then said:

"didn't you ask me how I escaped from the ruins of the city? In fact, it was the demon lord who saved me. Can you..."

Ziqiong's words did not speak, but the meaning was self-evident.

Ye Li rescued her in the ruins of the city, she only talked about Lingfei.

Although Ye Li's iron foot zombie in the last legion has severely injured the third uncle, she really doesn't want ye to leave anything.

Purple Mountain hears speech some be stunned, he is to want to break a head also can't think of, unexpectedly is leaf from saved her daughter.

"Big brother, even if ye Li saved Xiaoqiong, what can it represent? You didn't listen to Ye Li's words just now. It's obvious that Ye Li came to ridicule my Tianying organization!"

"Ye Li, I admit that I can't beat you, but now this is Tianying base. You have no way to heaven and no way to go to earth today."

"I heard that you are neither a human nor a dark race. I have seen many Jiangfeng people and dark races, but I don't know what it is that is neither human nor dark race."

The river breeze said a chase to the leaves one after another, as if the anger at the moment were all told out in general.

Ye Li is a faint smile, he did not pay attention to the wind, but looking at Purple Mountain.

"I don't think you want Tian to die?" Ye Li said slowly.

Purple mountain one Zheng, hastily said: "leaf leaves, what do you mean by this word?"

Leaf from smile, "also have no special meaning, except that I can save him, others are helpless."

When this was said, people were petrified.

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