Fox seduced women and fire worship on hundreds of gene warrior panic looking at Ye Li.

They would not even dream that the young leader was killed by the devil Ye Li.

"For people like you, do you think I dare not kill you Leaves from the light looking at the fox girl.

She has never dared to swear to be one of the seven steps of the law. Convulsed with fear,

slobber girl, who was so frightened that she looked at her leaf and swallowed her saliva. "

," the devil's leaf, even if you and your last legion are very strong, but we are so many... "

Fox Mei was not interrupted by the woman.

"Why don't you always understand that you are just a poor mole ant in my eyes?" Ye Li said slowly.

Sound down, Ye Li released the last legion from the system space.

Five eight zombies, one seven zombies!

Such a line-up appeared in the eyes of seductive women and hundreds of gene warriors in the fire cult. They could not help but step back three steps and were scared out of their wits.

"Is this the last legion?"

Foxy woman's voice trembled violently, even her soul could not stop shaking.

"Are you ready?" Leaves from the face crown like jade's face appeared a touch of play ignorance color.

Foxy women and hundreds of gene warriors of fire worship naturally know what ye Li means. They look at Ye Li and the last legion, but they can't say a word at this time.

Ziqiong looked at Ye Li's side, and did not know why. She felt a burst of happiness when she saw the fox flattering woman and the gene warrior who worshipped fire religion so afraid.

"Ye Li, the demon king, you You can't kill us. We are Zoroastrians... "

The fox flatter woman's words have not finished, she will never have the opportunity to finish this sentence.

Ye Li has already urged God to walk a hundred steps to the foxy woman's body, and his fingers have fallen.

And the fox girl of the seventh order evolution opened her eyes wide. She couldn't believe that she was so dead.

Hundreds of fire worship gene warriors saw that the fox seduced woman fell to the ground, and their whole body strength seemed to be drained by something, and they were paralyzed on the ground.

"All killed." The order of the last is to leave Ye.

The sound falls, the leaves walk forward slowly.

Ziqiong also some did not return to God, and so on leaves from a few steps away, she quickly followed up.


At this time, under the Tianying base, there were people who worshipped fire cult, and there were countless gene warriors.

These gene warriors are all dressed in black robes, with three dazzling characters on the black robes. They worship the fire cult.

In Tianying base city, countless gene warriors hold special laser guns in their hands, and the battle situation of a war has been opened.

In front of the fire worshipers, there were more than a dozen people.

These ten people are the leader of fire worship, the two elders and the ten Dharma protectors.

Of course, there are only nine Dharma protectors now.

On the wall of Tianying base, Zishan, with the core figures of Tianying organization, is confronting the fire worship cult.

As the saying goes, the mountain tiger meets the downhill tiger, and the dragon in the cloud meets the dragon in the fog.

Tianying organized a fire cult as a super power in the northern wilderness area. The strength of both sides was not far behind. If this war started, it would be earth shaking.

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