"Purple Mountain, you Tianying organization cool run to kill my son, I want all of you Tianying base buried with me!"

A middle-aged man said coldly!

The middle-aged man looks majestic, with a pair of big leopard eyes, and his face looks like a silver basin.

This middle-aged man is no other than Zhao Xiao, the leader of Zoroastrianism.

"Zhao Xiao, are you stupid or crazy? What's the relationship between the death of your son and our Tianying organization?"

Zishan's face showed a smile. Tianying organization was never afraid to worship fire cult. He wanted to see what kind of tricks Zhao Xiao wanted to play.

Hearing this, Zhao Xiao was so angry that he looked at Zishan.

"Purple Mountain, I want your life!"

"Flatten Tianying base for me!"

Zhao Xiao roared out loud, with Zhao Xiao's order, countless gene warriors of the fire cult began to attack the city.

It's a pity that Tianying base is easy to defend and hard to attack. There are countless death and injuries among the pyrotechnic gene warriors.

"Elder brother, is Zhao Xiao crazy? Is his son really dead?"

Jiang Feng is very puzzled, such an attack, this Zhao Xiao is to worship the fire of the people die?

"Whatever he is, he is going to die. Let them do it." I don't care.

Zishan smiles and thinks that after today, I'm afraid that the name of fire worship will no longer exist in the north of wilderness.

"Master devil, what shall we do?" Ziqiong looked at Ye Li and whispered.

"Watch first." Ye Li said faintly.

At the moment, Ye Li and Ziqiong are not far away from watching this war.

The gene warrior of the fire cult kept rolling down from the wall, and the blood was flowing under the wall.

"Lord, if it goes on like this, all the pyroists will die." A fire worship elder looked at Zhao Xiao and said.

"What are you afraid of? The dark race of the rockfall mountains will support us soon!" Said Zhao lengxiao.

It was not long before the voice dropped. I just heard a long roar in the sky.

People stopped their hands and looked at the sky. They were all stunned.

I saw a ghost of Epee, walking on a giant eagle!

This Epee is a skeleton undead with a red cape and a spearless Epee in his hand. It looks magnificent in all directions.

Then the earth began to shake.

Everyone looked at the same place, and suddenly, countless Epee skeletons and Zombies came.

"The skeleton undead of the nine step Epee in the rockfall mountains?" Jiang Feng, the second leader of the Tianying organization, was a little frightened.

Zishan's face was dignified and incomparable. He did not expect that the fire cult would unite with the Epee skeleton undead of the rockfall mountains to attack his Tianying organization.

"When soldiers come to block, water comes and earth covers them!" Purple Mountain said in a deep voice.

He knew that today's war was definitely the most terrifying war ever encountered by the Tianying organization.

"This, this..."

Ziqiong's eyes are wide open. She looks at Ye Li in horror. Can Tianying base block so many Epee, skeletons and Zombies?

Leaf leaves from the face crown such as jade's face but appeared a touch of wonderful color, thinking of luck came, really eat dazzle Mai gum also can't stop.

Epee, skeletons and undead are at the front, while the huge zombies are at the back.

When zombies run by, Ye Li lets the last legion out.

These zombies are conservatively estimated to be 100000!

The six zombies of the eschatological legion, and the zombies begin to fall in pieces.

Ye Li opens the synthetic lattice in his mind and composes it crazily.

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