I don't know whether the dark race of this ruins city is different or not. Ye Li has never heard of zombies attacking the dark race before.

I'm afraid that's just the arrogance of the dark race.

If he had met the dark race before, he would have been scared to death if he had seen six nine level zombies.

Dozens of mad cattle, dark race and hundreds of zombies are searching around.

Ye Li walked slowly towards them, followed by the last legion and Xia Xi.

The mad cow dark race finally found Ye Li, and they couldn't help exclaiming.

"Brothers, catch Ye Li, the demon king

Soon, the mad cow dark race and zombies are coming towards Ye Li.

Leaves from the corner of the mouth slightly up, face crown such as jade's face emerged a touch of smile.

He held up the Dragon slaughtering magic knife. The magic light and cold light on the sword were fully displayed. Only the sound of the sword was heard in the air.

"Fire knife technique!"

Sound down, dragon butcher's knife down.

Innumerable blades of fire went towards the mad cow, the dark race and the zombies, like a typhoon.

Dozens of mad cattle, the dark race, were scared to death when they saw such an attack. They wanted to avoid it, but there was still time.

The blade of fire instantly devoured dozens of mad cattle, dark race and hundreds of zombies.

Ye Limian's face is tasteless. It's not very cool. It's just the feeling of knife to meat.

Immediately, he urged the heavenly spirit pupil to search for the whereabouts of the mad cow dark race.

A few minutes later, Ye Li found out that there was a team composed of a pair of mad cattle, dark race and zombies, coming towards them.

Ye Li carried the Dragon butcher knife on his shoulder, quietly waiting for the arrival of the black race and zombies.

Xia Xi looks at Ye Li's back, which is not great, on the contrary, it is also somewhat emaciated, but can give her a kind of indomitable feeling.

She does not understand why there are people like Ye Li in this world.

For a while, Xia Xi, who was cold as ice from childhood, couldn't help but bump into each other.

Before long, a team of more than 50 mad cattle, dark race and Zombies appeared in front of Ye Li.

More than 50 mad cattle, the dark race stopped, they looked at Ye Li with some consternation.

"You are Ye Li A fifth order mad cow, said the dark race.

"Exactly." Ye Li nodded.

Although Ye Li, the demon king, appeared in front of him, he was very happy, but

The devil Ye Li is so bold that he doesn't run?

Or that is to say, the demon leaf leaves did not put them in the eye at all.

"Ye Li, the demon king, hand over the Dragon slaughtering sword and Haotian tower. I can make you die more comfortable." Fifth order mad cow dark race cold said.

Yinluo, the fifth order mad cow dark race saw the eschatological legion, and he was a bit stunned.

Six nine zombies?

This He had never seen the ninth order zombie, but knew that the eyes of the ninth order zombie were purple gold.

The fifth level mad cow, the dark race, is steadfast. Anyway, zombies will not attack the dark race.

"Ye Li, I'll ask you again, do you want to hand over the Tu Long Dao and Haotian tower?" The fifth order mad cow, the dark race.

With a faint smile, Ye Li pondered for a few seconds and immediately said, "it's not impossible for me to hand over the Dragon slaying sword and Haotian tower, but you have to hand over one thing first."

"What?" Asked the dark race of the fifth order mad cow.

"Your lives!" Leaves from the mouth slowly.

The sound falls, the leaf leaves from urges the God to walk hundred steps, already disappeared in the original place.

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