Ye Li urged God to walk a hundred steps and disappeared in the original place, leaving only a shadow. The speed has already reached the level of astonishment.

More than 50 mad cattle, where can the dark race react? When they react, Ye Li has already arrived in front of them.

Ye Li didn't use any skills this time, just because he felt uncomfortable with the killing.

Ye Li raised the Dragon butcher's knife and chopped it horizontally. This knife had no blade. It was so simple and unadorned that it slashed on the body of a mad cow dark race.


The sharpness of the Dragon butcher's knife is that you don't have to know that the black race of the mad cow who was cut by the Dragon butcher's knife yelled, and his flesh and bones were separated.

Mad cow, the dark race, was terrified and looked at this scene in horror.

Ye Li, however, did not stop the Dragon butcher's knife in his hand. He even chopped out 13 knives, each of which was Huhu guafeng!

Another 13 mad cattle, the dark race, were killed by the Dragon butcher's knife.

These mad cow dark race could not resist Ye Li's Dragon butcher's knife. The blade of the blade opened and closed. At the moment of their panic, several mad cow dark races fell to the ground.

"Go on

The dark race of the fifth order mad cow finally reacted, he cried out in a hurry.

The remaining 20 mad cattle, the dark race and the zombies quickly left their hands on ye.

It's a pity that Ye Li, even if he doesn't have any skills, can't resist it.

It can be said that even if ye Li stood and let them fight, the black race and zombies of the mad cow might not be able to break his defense.

This is the hard power gap. Is it really useless for Ye Li to open the zombie treasure chest every day?

Now, if ye Li's defense is put in the martial arts novels, it is the cross training of the golden bell jar, the iron cloth shirt and the thirteen Tai Bao.

Cut a white mark with a knife, stab with a sword White dot!

The remaining 20 mad cow dark race and hundreds of zombies attacked Ye Li.

At the moment, Ye Li's hair is still calm, and his face is full of smile, just like the gods and Demons standing in heaven and earth in ancient times.


Ye Li waved the Dragon butcher's knife, with a thousand layers of murderous spirit on the knife, and there was a hundred steps in front of and behind the body!

In an instant, hundreds of zombies melt into nothingness.

More than 20 mad cattle, the dark race, saw this as if they had seen the worst torture in 1800 layers of inferno.

They started to run wild, at the fastest rate ever.

Ye Li didn't chase after him. If he did, the black race would never have a chance to survive.

What he wants to do is not only launch a shocking killing, but also make the mad cow dark race fear.

Xia Xi at one side looking at the leaves from the peerless figure, originally she has been small deer bump, now her heart almost jumped out.

She doesn't know why she feels like this. She really doesn't know.

Leaves leave show a side face, light looking at Xia Xi.

"Let's go."

Xia Xi smelled the speech to return to God, but found that Ye Li and the Last Legion had gone out more than ten steps.

It seems that every time she comes back to her mind, Ye Li has gone ten steps away. It seems that Ye Li will be shocked no matter what she does.

Ye Li suddenly stopped his steps, just because he suddenly thought of something.

The corner of his mouth can't help but show a sneer, "you go to all directions, kill mad cow, dark race and zombie."

Ye Li gives orders to the Last Legion!

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