Leaf leaves from the face crown such as jade's face is very boring, he looked at the Black War lightly, "do you know that your nonsense is really a lot."

"What do you say?"

Black War smell speech dead bite teeth, word by word staring at leaf from cold mouth.

"Let's go. I'm impatient to wait." Ye Li said slowly.

Black war looked at Ye Li. He really didn't understand why Ye Li could be so calm. When facing his first and second clans, didn't he know how to write death?

"Good. I've never seen a human like you. Goodbye." Black War said coldly.

Sound down, black war out of the big hand, a dark force toward Ye Li Fei attack.

Ye Li shook his head secretly. What did the Black War think of him as Ye Li?

He slowly put up his fingers. The golden aura twined on his fingers, and a Yang finger came out. The attack of the golden power went towards the power of darkness.


The attack of golden power and the power of darkness collide fiercely together, and the attack of golden power and the power of darkness disappear instantly.

Ye Li takes out the Dragon slaughtering knife from the system space. In an instant, a sound of dragon chanting appears fiercely, and bursts of cold light are particularly dazzling in the dark sky.

In the dark night, the dark race looks at the five clawed blood dragon in horror. Just listening to the sound of the dragon, they can feel a burst of panic.

"This knife..."

Heizhan opened his eyes. The ancient spear in his hand was good enough to be regarded as a high-grade weapon. Compared with the knife in Ye Li's hand, it was a heaven and a ground.

"Big brother, is this..."

Black cloud, the leader of the second clan, suddenly seemed to think of something and became a bit stunned.

Hearing this, Hei Zhan couldn't help but take a breath, "you mean the Dragon butcher sword, one of the ten ancient artifacts?"

After that, heizhan quickly looked at the knife in Ye Li's hand. Now he was more sure that Ye Li's sword was the Dragon butcher's knife. Besides the Dragon butcher sword, one of the ten ancient artifacts, what kind of sword could be so terrible?

"Man, the knife in your hand is..."

Black War's words have not finished, was Ye Li to interrupt.

"Yes, the knife in my hand is the Dragon butcher's knife." Leaves from the mouth slowly.

After hearing Ye Li's reply, heizhan's eyes couldn't stop emitting greedy light. He licked his tongue and looked at Ye Li and said:

"it's really hard to find a place to find. I have to work hard!"

Black War didn't expect to encounter the Dragon butcher's knife. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Black cloud is not the same. His eyes are full of greed. Ye Li's Dragon slaughtering knife is much stronger than his trigeminal Ghost Head Dao.

Third, heishura, the leader of the dark race in the dark night, did not expect that the Demon Lord could have ten ancient artifacts.

Thinking of this, the black Shura can not help but be more happy, so that their chance of winning is greater.

"Open the gate

Heishura stood on the wall and broke off drinking with a loud voice!

Immediately, the city gate opened, and countless dark races of the third night rushed out.

Leaf leaves from the face crown such as jade's face appeared a touch of lazy color, he looked at the Black War and black cloud faintly, "do you want this butcher Dragon Sword very much?"

Black War and black cloud of course want to kill the dragon knife, they hear Ye Li's words, only feel Ye Li is ready to retreat in the face of difficulties, give them the Dragon butcher knife.

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