At this time, the first race, the second race and the third dark night race are confronting each other.

The leader of the first clan, heizhan, stares at Ye Li with a cold smile, "human beings, hand over the Dragon butcher knife obediently. I can also consider leaving a whole body for you."

Ye Li is slowly shaking his head, "I hate others to threaten me in my life, but there are always people who do this."

"I'm threatening you now. If you don't hand in the Dragon butcher's knife again, I promise you'll die miserably!" The black war was cold.

"It's a pity that you'll never have a chance." Leaves from the mouth slowly.


Black war some unknown, so, do not understand looking at Ye Li.

"What do you mean, man?" Black War is staring at Ye Li.

Leaf leaves faint smile, "have no special meaning, just you are about to die."

As soon as this word came out, the elders of the first clan, heiyun and the elders of the second clan were all shocked. They really couldn't understand why Ye Li could still say such words.

"Human beings, I see you do not see the coffin, do not cry!"

The black war looked at Ye Li. As the leader of the first clan, where did the dark race dare to say such words to him, he never thought that it would be a human being who said this to him.

Ye Li said with a smile, "I leave the coffin and I won't cry because I never need a coffin."

"Come on, now that you have anything to be hesitant about, come and let me kill you." Leaf from to black war and black cloud hook finger.

Black War and black cloud suddenly became angry!

Black cloud suddenly disappeared in place, black cloud is the leader of the second race, the Ninth level dark race.

The speed of black clouds is very fast, even reaching the point that the naked eye can't catch. Unfortunately, such a speed in Ye Li's eyes is very small.

When the black cloud appeared again, it was already before ye left his body, and he slashed fiercely at Ye Li with a trigeminal ghost head knife.


The trigeminal Ghost Head Dao is a top-grade treasure Dao. It is full of cold light and has terrible power.

But your trigeminal Ghost Head Dao is a top-grade sword. What about the Dragon butcher's knife in Ye Li's hand? It's the precious sword in the treasure sword!

Ye Li erect the Dragon butcher's knife to resist, and the trigeminal ghost head knife is chopping on the blade of the Dragon butcher's knife.


The dark races in the dark only felt a burst of tinnitus, and they looked at Ye Li and black clouds in horror.


When the trigeminal ghost head knife cuts on the Dragon slaughtering knife, the trigeminal ghost head knife breaks off instantly.

How can it be!!!

Black cloud was so frightened that his trigeminal ghost head knife was broken like this. This is a top-grade treasure.

He knew that the Dragon butcher's sword was one of the ten ancient artifacts, but how could he have thought that the power of the sword was so terrible.

Ye Li smiles to himself. He doesn't understand why the black cloud should be shocked. Does he think his trigeminal ghost knife is very good, or does he think his dragon butcher's knife is rubbish?

"Goodbye." Ye Li looked at the black cloud and said faintly.

Although black cloud and he are the same realm, but the strength gap is like a gap in general.

He is an SSS gene warrior. He is the fourth layer of Archaean heaven magic code. His whole body attributes are exploding. It can be said that he is in the Ninth level state. No one is his opponent.

Ye Li erected the Dragon butcher's knife and cut it out. The blade was so cold that it was so terrible that it could not be added.

Black cloud opened his eyes. He was too close to Ye. The distance was just as hard as sucking, and he couldn't avoid it. He called out:

"my life is over!"

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