Black wind hurriedly stop feet, looking at Ye Li in panic, he just want to break his head, but also did not expect to meet Ye Li here.

"Ye Li, the demon king!"

Leaf leaves a faint smile, it seems that the black wind is ready to run for life, but did not expect to meet him, this let him say what good?

"Ye Li, the demon king, what do you want?" The black wind stares at the leaves and opens his mouth coldly.

"When you meet me, you will die. What do you want me to do?" Smile away.

The sound falls, the leaf leaves from holds the butcher dragon knife one knife fiercely cuts out, the cold awn flies toward the black wind.

Black wind is greatly frightened, and he dodges in a hurry, ready to avoid the attack of Ye Li.

But he just dodged, leaf from then to his body, butcher dragon knife horizontal split out.


This knife, black wind is the strength that sucks milk, also cannot dodge.


With the sound of a pig like scream sounded, the second clan elder Hei Feng died.

Ye limianguan Ruyu's face doesn't fluctuate at all. He takes the Dragon butcher's knife back into the system space, and then continues to walk back.

As he expected, the last legion and the dark race of the third night were on one side.

The first and second clans were unable to resist the eschatological legion, and the first and the second had already surrendered.

The last legion sees Ye Li to come back, arrives at Ye Li and respectfully calls to Ye Li: "master."

Ye Li nodded, and the black Shura also hurriedly came over. When he saw Ye Li for the first time, he knew the terror of the demon lord's elder strength.

"Master devil..."

Ye Li waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to say more. He looked at the black Shura and said, "I'm going to leave the castle at night. What should I do next? It's your business."

As he combined the seventh order zombie summoned by the Black War and Longyu, Longyu became the eighth order zombie.

He thought that it might be a wrong choice to come to the castle at night, but it's OK. He got the super treasure map attached map, and now he can find the treasure.

Leaf from with the coordinates in the mind, to a new place.

This is a deserted city, Ye Li uses the heavenly spirit pupil to spray once, found that there are quite a lot of zombies in this city.

After sending the last legion out of the system space, let the last legion lead the zombies.

Before long, countless zombies came like a wave.

"Oh! Oops

Ye Li gives orders to the Last Legion!

He opened the compositional grid in his mind and began to synthesize zombies.

It took half a day, the sound of the system finally sounded in the ear of Ye Li.

"Dragon feather upgraded to level 9 zombie."

18 zombies with sharp claws have reached the first level!

Ye Li nodded with satisfaction, and then it was time to find the treasure.

This place is not far from the coordinates in his mind, and he walks away slowly.

Ye Li came to a mountain, which was bare.

To his surprise, he was not the only one on the mountain, but also a human and a dark race fighting.

This human is an old man about 70 years old. The old man's momentum is like a rainbow, his strength is terrible, and he is a nine step evolutor.

This dark race is also a nine level realm. The dark race holds a hammer in both hands and a big drum is hung in front of him.


The double hammers of the ninth order dark race beat on the drum, and a thunderbolt shook the sky and the Earth toward the old man.

The old man made a fist, which was magnificent. The purple aura and the thunder hit fiercely together.

Leaf leaves a faint smile, did not expect in this bird does not defecate place, still can see such a battle, this seeks who reason to go.

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