Ye Li doesn't understand why there is a human ninth level evolutor fighting with the ninth order dark race in this broken place. Is it possible that they are fighting for something?

He urged tianlingtong to look for it, and his face began to be very wonderful.

Ye Li saw the other half of the Donghuang bell!

No wonder there will be two such high-level strong people here. It is because of this.

The old man and thunder monster are inseparable. The mountain tiger meets the downhill tiger, and the dragon in the cloud meets the dragon in the fog.

Ye Li thinks that the black war will sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, and he also comes to watch the tiger fight on the mountain.

More than ten minutes later, the old man has been in the downwind.

Ray strange sneered, "human strong, I advise you to run for your life, you are not my opponent."

The old man looked at the thunder monster and didn't speak!

"If you don't want to run for your life, you'll have to die."

The sound falls, the thunder monster holds the double hammer, the fierce hammer hits on the drum, a terror sound thunder strikes.

The old man opened his eyes wide. He couldn't resist the blow.

"My life is dead!"

At this critical moment, a slightly emaciated figure appeared in front of the old man.

Young for the old man to block this blow, the old man was surprised, did not expect him to be able to survive!

Then he looked at the young man's face and was more astonished. He was too young to be able to resist the attack of the ninth order dark race.

Lei strange did not expect that a teenager would appear. He looked at the young man in front of him.


Lei strange words have not finished, Ye Li then interrupted his words.

"You are fighting here to fight for the half clock." Ye Li said slowly.

"Yes, are you here for half an hour?" Lei strange stares at Ye Li and says.

Ye Li nodded, "well, I have been looking for this half hour for a long time."

As soon as he said this, Lei Guai looked cold.

"Let's see if you have the strength!"

Sound down, a ring of thunder toward the leaves from the attack.

Ye Li takes out the Dragon butcher's knife from the system space, and a cold light suddenly flashes out.


Ye Li splits a knife to go out, this knife is so terrible!

After the cold light and thunder are cancelled, Ye Li jumps up and holds up the Dragon slaughtering knife and slowly opens his mouth to the thunder Monster:

"Tianmo Badao Jue!"

The Dragon butcher's knife fell heavily, and a supernatural ghost rushed to the thunder monster.

Thunder Freak is shocked, such an attack!

Without any imagination, he fled the scene at the fastest speed ever.

The old man was stunned. Such a young man has such strength.

Ye Li falls on the ground, ready to take the other half of the Donghuang bell.

"Thank you for saving my life, my friend." The old man said to Ye Li.

Ye Li showed a side face, "it's OK, I just want to take the other half of the Donghuang bell."

The old man was surprised when he heard the speech, and he thought it was the Donghuang bell.

He walked quickly to Ye Li and said, "my friend, I am the owner of Xiao's family in Tianlan base city. Are you..."

"My name is Ye Li." Ye Li Dun stopped and said to the old man.

The old man knew that he could never have won the young man in front of him, and he had just left the knife in his hand!

He remembered that when ye Li's knife appeared in his hand, a five clawed blood dragon was standing in his arms, and the cold light was startling.

Is it

The old man suddenly thought of a surprising possibility, that is, Ye Li's knife is Dragon butcher!

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