Sky blue base city, three conference rooms.

The last three conference rooms are specially prepared for the high-level evolutors of the last three. The people who can enter the conference rooms are the decisive figures in sky blue base city.

But now the Lin family of the last three families is in name, so no one of them came to hold the meeting this time.

"Brother Xiao, if you really want to fight, I'm afraid it will be the most terrifying war in sky blue base city for a hundred years." Tang Xiao looks at Xiao Cang and says.

Xiao Cang nodded, this war is the sky blue base city has never met the crisis, perhaps sky blue base city will be destroyed in this war.

"Sky blue base city of the strong human beings."

Suddenly, a very majestic voice came into the ears of the people.

People in the last three conference rooms were surprised at the same time, and quickly searched around for who was talking.

A black light appeared in front of the conference table.

Then a phantom appeared!

It was a phantom with a shawl, a black robe, and a pale face with two blood red lines.

"The shadow of darkness!"

Both Tang Xiao and Xiao Cang are a little stunned. It is said that this is a skill possessed by the 10th level dark race.

"Sky blue base city of the strong human, my name is 100 yuan, is looking for a human gene warrior, he appeared in your sky blue base city."

"This human gene warrior has two ancient artifacts: the Dragon butcher's knife and the Eastern Emperor's bell. I hope you can hand him in, otherwise the sky blue base will be destroyed in an instant."

One hundred yuan's voice can't hear a trace of emotion. Just listening to such a cold voice can make people feel like falling into an ice cave.

In the last three conference rooms, people opened their eyes when they heard the words, and they thought of a person at the same time.

This man Is Ye Li!!!

After Shi Yuan finished, the dark phantom disappeared in the meeting room.

"Linhe City has gathered so many dark races and zombies. It turns out that it is the gathering of the ten order dark races!" Tang Xiao showed a bitter smile.

There is an insurmountable gap between the ten level realm and the Ninth level realm.

"Now Ye Li has left the sky blue base city, where can we find such a person for him?" An eighth order evolutor said helplessly.

"Up to now, only soldiers have come to cover up the water!" Xiao Cang also gave a bitter smile.

The number of dark races and Zombies gathered in Linhe City has reached an alarming level. Even if Tianlan base city can hold on to it, it will be greatly damaged.


Three days later!

The dark races and zombies of Linhe City suddenly move towards the outer city of sky blue base.

Tens of thousands of dark races and hundreds of thousands of zombies are vast, and everywhere they go, they are like black clouds.

Sky blue base city's gatekeepers to resist, laser guns, laser guns, combat power, tanks.

The walls were full of stones for two days!

In this war, the major forces in the surrounding districts of Tianlan base city were all silent. Such a shocking war was enough to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

"Master devil, sky blue base city can't stand it!" Black Shura looked at Ye Li and said.

Ye Li looks up at the sky. Annan base city, Huangjiang base city, including sky blue base city, are all because of him.

After all, the dark race is the aggressor of this parallel world.

Although he is not human now, he is human when he comes across.

Today, he leaves to have a big dragon and Phoenix!

"Is everything ready?"

"Don't worry, master devil. It's already ready."

With a faint smile, Ye Li slowly breathed out two words:


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